Pat Alviso from the Military Families Speak Out Orange County Chapter will be meeting with Diane Feinstein, and he wants to bring her some letters from people in the Orange County area.
Pat wrote this in a letter to members of the MFSOOC:
We have been working on a very powerful agenda, and having letters from others urging her to bring the troops home that identify who you are and what is at stake for our families will let her know we are speaking for many of us not just one. C’mon folks, it doesn’t have to be fancy, detailed or well thought out. Just a few lines addressed to Senator Feinstein will do. I’m sure she will read these. Can you please e-mail them by Wednesday at 10:00 AM? Just think of us checking our last e-mail in the hotel in hopes of getting just a few more letters!
To learn more about the MFSOOC go to their website:
Email your letters to Pat Alviso: