The Republican Party of Orange County gets sued.

Back in April there was a silly vote, re-vote, name-calling, childish game played by the Orange County Republicans that eventually led to a narrow endorsement of Sheriff Mike Carona. I don’t have the patients to sit here and explain the drama, so I’ll just point you to the Los Angeles Times story here.

It looks like there are some hurt feelings over there at the OC GOP. Tim Whitacre, Republican Party of Orange County Committee member and spokesperson for Bill Hunt (one of Carona’s opponents), is suing the Republican Party of Orange County. The lawsuit, which was filed today, stated:

To immediately publish to the Mike Carona for Sheriff Campaign, and the citizens of the State of California and the County of Orange that the initial endorsement provide April 17, 2006, was unauthorized and is revoked…

Whitacre is angry that his candidate didn’t win, and I’m certain that his anger is fueling his fire, but his fire is a righteous one. Republicans have become the party that follows rules when the rules are convenient for them, and it looks like Whitacre wants to change that.

From Whitacre’s press release:

When a small group of men within the Party seek to allow the rules to be cast aside for the benefit of a candidate in which they derive financial and / or political gain from, I have an elected responsibility to uphold and defend the by-laws to which I took an oath of office to abide by. I am embarrassed by the actions of the Republican Party of Orange County over this. Hopefully, the Court will agree.