12:30 p.m. 70th Assembly District Committee at the Irvine Ranch Water District headquarters, 15600 Sand Canyon. Contact: JSPALLEY@aol.com
3:00 p.m. A Tale of Two Elections Israel & Palestine: What’s Next? With Dr. Brice Harris Professor Emeritus of Middle East History, Occidental College & A first-hand report by Dr. Fred Bush Professor Emeritus of Old Testament and Semitic Studies, Fuller Seminary at St. Mark Presbyterian Church of Newport Beach 2100 Mar Vista Drive (on the corner of Jamboree Road) For more information call (818) 563-2475 or (323) 254-6949 Those unable to attend who are interested in learning more about the crisis in the Holy Land are encouraged to visit and explore the following: www.cnionline.org, www.IfAmericansKnew.org, www.ameu.org, www.DeirYassin.org, www.ussliberty.org, and www.PartnersForPeace.org.
7:00 p.m. A CANDIDATES FORUM Featuring: State Senator Joe Dunn State Board of Equalization Chairman John Chiang Candidates for the Democratic nomination for California State Controller. The forum will be held in the upper auditorium at the UFCW, local 324, Upper Auditorium: 8530 Stanton Ave Buena Park, CA (At the corner of Stanton and Crescent, one block east of Beach Blvd.) patrickhenrythinktank.org/CandidatesForumFlyer.pdf
Man, I should’ve checked this out earlier in the day, I totally would’ve gone to the ‘Tale of two elections’.
Guess I’d best check back often to get all the dirt.
That is the best “I should…” sentence I’ve ever heard.