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Amature Hour For Political Ads

March 16, 2007 0

From Bob Sullivan @ The Red Tape Chronicles on  The nuclear mushroom cloud reflected in Daisy’s eyes during the 1964 campaign. The revolving doors, with […]

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Art Pedroza is FREE!

February 10, 2007 4

Orange Juice blogger Art Pedroza has decided to quit the Republican Party. He’s kind of been on the outs with the local GOP for a […]

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New design: up & bug free!

January 27, 2007 8

The newly designed is up and running.  I’ve tested it in all common browsers, and found no issues.  If you see anything odd, don’t […]

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Bloggers take politicians to task

January 23, 2007 19

The Democrat that is representing the California 10th congressional district has learned a lesson that Joe Lieberman knows all to well: blogs have power. Up […]

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The new design

January 20, 2007 1

We’re still working out some of the kinks, but the new design of is uploaded, and live. The most exciting feature is the RSS […]