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Our Picks in Irvine and Tustin

November 1, 2010 0

It is without surprise that we endorse Mayor Sukhee Kang for re-election, Larry Agran to return to the Irvine City Council and commissioner Shiva Farivar […]

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Daren Nigsarian for La Habra City Council

November 1, 2010 0

Daren is a 26 year Deputy Sheriff and Chairman of the La Habra planning commission and is his own person. He also serves on the Board of Directors for the Boys and Girls Club of La Habra and is a member of the La Habra Host Lions Club. His wife Carol serves on the Board of Directors for the Garry Center.

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GOTV Push Draws Big Guns to Orange County

October 31, 2010 1

On Saturday, U. S. Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis blazed a trail through the cities of Orange and Anaheim in support of organized labor candidates and Congresswoman Sanchez. Solis’ first stop was the Orange County Labor Federation’s lunch time rally at the IBEW Local 441 Union hall. Solis rallied the 475 volunteers on hand to continue their efforts for labor supportive candidates in Orange County.

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Rep. Loretta Sanchez Statement on Thwarted Terrorist Attacks

October 30, 2010 4

“I want to underscore the important work Congress is doing to screen cargo shipments that may constitute threats against our security. In September, I co-introduced the Air Cargo Security Act of 2010, a bipartisan bill that would establish federal air cargo screening centers for packages carried by foreign and domestic air carriers.

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Irvine Republicans in Disarray

October 29, 2010 12

In the kerfluffel between Irvine city council candidate and city council member Christina Shea, Irvine Republican “insiders” are declaring Shea “toast” as she leaves office.  […]