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Ballot Measure to Repeal Prop 8 Fails to Get Enough Signatures

April 12, 2010 0

The effort to place an initiative on the November 2010 ballot to repeal Proposition 8 and restore equal marriage rights for same-sex couples, announced today that the proponents did not gather the 694,354 signatures necessary to place the proposed initiative on the ballot.  The group vowed to work toward the repeal of Prop 8 at the next general election in November 2012.

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Rick Warren: First Priority Get America Back To Work

November 29, 2009 3

“I personally believe that the number one thing we need to do is get America back to work. I think before health care or anything else, we need to get people back to work. My biggest fear is that there’ll be too much on the agenda and that things will get bogged down.”

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The High Cost of Being a Gay Couple

October 3, 2009 6

In the ongoing debate over Gay Marriage, the argument is usually based in battle between “morality” and “equality.” Let’s add some economics to the equation. […]