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What Progressives Should Know About John A. Perez

December 18, 2009 0

The openly gay Latino whom Democrats in California’s Assembly recently selected to be the next speaker is, in the parlance of elected office, a “freshman.” But John A. Perez has a depth of experience and adeptness for exercising power that belie his first-term status.

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Gay Anglican Bishop Gene Robinson to Lead Prayers at Obama Inauguration

January 13, 2009 2

“It is also an indication of the new President’s commitment to being the President of all the people. I am humbled and overjoyed at this invitation, and it will be my great honour to be there representing The Episcopal Church, the people of New Hampshire, and all of us in the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community.”

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Harvey Milk Day May 22nd

August 5, 2008 4

In an LA Times Blog story this afternoon it is reported that a bill introduced by Assemblyman Mark Leno and State Senator Sheia Kuehl was […]