Halloween Already?

April 30, 2011 3

Councilwoman Michelle Martinez’s Newsletter has a Trick or Treat for you. Either she’s six months late or six months early, but Santa Ana Councilwoman Michelle Martinez continues to try to burnish her image in Santa Ana with the latest release of her monthly newsletter.

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The Noose of Anti-Gay Hatred Alive and Well In Santa Ana

October 29, 2010 12

So… We got to the office today and there was a noose tied to the front door… To be safe we called the police to file a report… When the police showed up the male officer said, “Well… Sometimes you just have to live with being a victim.”… This is how Santa Ana Police respond to a Hate Incident/Crime?

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Clinton Makes the Call for Loretta

October 26, 2010 1

Our readers have reported receiving a recorded phone call from former President Bill Clinton reminding them to get out and vote on November 2nd, and vote to reelect Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez.

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More on that whole Pulido pays for his AQMD car expenses B.S.

October 25, 2010 1

In addition to the $21,990.87 in compensation and reimbursements that I previously reported Pulido had received from AQMD in 2009, Mayor Pulido’s CalCard charges paid by the AQMD for calendar year 2009 were $1,782.32. His CalCard is only used for fuel purchases..

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Senator Lou Correa to Host Town Hall on Local Government Transparency

October 19, 2010 7

Senate Local Government Committee members, at the request of Senator Lou Correa (Orange County), will convene a special hearing to pursue issues regarding transparency & accountability in local government and the challenges presented by the revelation in the City of Bell and elsewhere.