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Santa Ana Council Meeting Tonight: Express Yourself!

May 3, 2010 5

It is my hope to be at tonight’s meeting to comment on the failures of the Council to follow the intent of the Brown Act in their conduct of the public comment portion of their meetings. I hope to see you there. Feel free to EXPRESS YOURSELF to your elected officials. Just remember to be respectful, not use profanity, and they are going to have to at a minimum hear you out.

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State Senator Roy Ashburn (R-Bakersfield) Comes Out

March 8, 2010 1

In the meantime, humorists already have their tongues in Ashburn’s cheeks. I can’t wait to see how Hollywood portrays his life story of dissociative identity disorder that I suspect will be titled “The Two FACES of Roy.”

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Harvey Milk Day May 22nd

August 5, 2008 4

In an LA Times Blog story this afternoon it is reported that a bill introduced by Assemblyman Mark Leno and State Senator Sheia Kuehl was […]