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Santa Ana City Government – About as transparent as a brick wall

October 20, 2010 8

As most of you know, we have been hammering the city council and executive staff of the City of Santa Ana pretty hard on the issue of transparency over the past few months. We have found conflicts of interest that have required the return of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions and violations of sunshine and open meetings laws. The result of our investigations has lead me to a simple conclusion. The City of Santa Ana operates with about as much transparency as a brick wall.

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Citizen’s group sues City of Santa Ana over One Broadway Plaza changes

October 14, 2010 2

A Coalition for Accountable Government Ethics (CAGE) filed suit against the City of Santa Ana, charging that the City acted in violation of law by amending the voter-approved initiative/ordinance without submitting the question to a vote of the public. Simply put, CAGE is claiming that the City Council did not have the authority to amend the One Broadway Plaza Development Agreement, because the agreement was part of the voter approved initiative, Measure A.

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Santa Ana’s Joe Fletcher and the Gang That Can’t Get Their Conflicts Straight

October 5, 2010 11

The City attorney (Joseph Fletcher) spread the Selective Conflict Disorder virus when he infected the city council by advising that it was okay to vote on projects benefiting developers who have given them money because, get this, the Supreme Court has ruled that campaign contributions are free speech. He also infected the council with the understanding that the only people and businesses directly effected by votes moving a development project forward such as the actual developer or applicant applies to the law.

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SA City Attorney and his ‘Selective Conflict Disorder’

October 4, 2010 3

Fletcher must be suffering from the new virus that causes Selective Conflict Disorder. It is spread in an intense ‘pay to play’ environment, usually when campaign contributions are needed around election time and projects or initiatives need to move forward. It is usually contracted through face to face contact between city attorneys and council members once improper votes are discovered.

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More improper votes and campaign bucks for Michele Martinez and Sal Tinajero

September 27, 2010 5

The City Council of Santa Ana (Baby Bell) has called a special meeting for this evening to discuss the problems that have developed from the revelation of improper campaign contributions and improper votes taken by Council members Michele Martinez and Sal Tinajero related to the Station District project. Well the swamp is getting deeper for these two as more improper votes do large contributions are revealed.

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Santa Ana Council Video: We’re not the City of Bell

September 16, 2010 12

This is a heavily edited video of Santa Ana City Council member comments made at their September 7th meeting. It was this meeting where members Martinez and Tinajero voted improperly on a resolution to lower, and suspend for a year, soccer permit fees paid by adult leagues. Martinez and Tinajero each accepted $500 from a for-profit league that benefits from that reduction creating a conflict of interest making them unable to vote on the matter.