Seems everyone wants to stand in the spotlight with Loretta and Bill

Rep. Loretta Sanchez

SANTA ANA — Over the past several days it seems that every elected democrat is claiming that they, along with Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (CA-47), are inviting people to attend a rally in Santa Ana. In some cases, they are making it look like they are hosting, or co-hosting, the event. The Democratic Party of Orange County (DPOC) sent out an email blast, announcing the rally, but they had the intellectual honesty not to claim it was their event. Jose Solorio sent out a blast that saying that he was inviting people to a the rally featuring Clinton, Sanchez, and Mayor Miguel Pulido. Santa Ana Mayoral candidate Alfredo Amezcua sent an email blast on Thursday saying that he and State Senator Lou Correa were inviting people to the rally.

That last blast from Amezcua sent Orange Juice Blog’s Sean H. Mill over the edge, chastising Amezcua fro trying to grab on to the event, which he claimed had been organized by the DPOC. This was just getting out of hand, so I asked both the Sanchez campaign and the DPOC to clarify who is running the show on Friday.

Sanchez’ spokesperson Caroline Hogan cleared things up first saying; “President Clinton is coming to Santa Ana to participate in a rally specifically for Rep. Sanchez. This is not a DPOC event. Santa Ana Miguel Pulido was invited to speak because the event is taking place in his city.”

DPOC Executive Director Gerrie Schipske reiterated the same message; “DPOC sent out a notice, Loretta arranged the rally. Pulido is there as Mayor.”

Well now that we know who is running things I hope you can make it out to the Old Orange County Courthouse Friday. The rally is scheduled to run from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.


  1. I spit out my coke when Van Tran said he was not a child molester or convict! Wow, talk about a bad debater. I was waiting for Loretta to say somethimg-maybe, “Well, we know your wife was convicted of medicare fraud, but can you give us the details on your child molesting? My op research missed that”. But, she obviously wasn’t THAT clever.

  2. Chris,

    The message below was sent out yesterday:

    Apparently the Council and the Mayor want to deceive the public by stating President Clinton is here to support Pulido. Sean Mill apparently has no problem with this deception and out right lie Mill has lost the little credibility he had left.

    None of the other notices claim support, only are invitations to attend the “Rally for Loretta”.

    Councilman Vincent Sarmiento

    Please join us at President Bill Clinton’s rally to support
    Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez and Mayor Miguel Pulido.


    Friday, October 15th, 2010
    3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.

    Old Orange County Courthouse in Downtown Santa Ana
    211 W. Santa Ana Blvd.
    Santa Ana, CA 92701

    Everyone is Welcome to come!

    Entrance is FREE.


    Santa Ana Public Parking:
    3rd Street and Sycamore Street
    Main Street and 5th Street (Close)

    Sycamore and 5th Street

    *Please note: Broadway Street, Santa Ana Blvd., and Sycamore Streets will be closed.

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  3. Mr. Lomeli, You shouldn’t go down the credibility and deception road. Amezcua’s email inviting unsuspecting people to the rally was bannered with
    “Support the Winning Team: President Bill Clinton
    Congresswaoman Loretta Sanchez
    State Senator Lou Correa and
    Alfredo Amezcua, Candidate for Mayor”

    with Amezcua’s name in a larger and bolder type than the other names. There is no reference that the event is a rally for loretta Sanchez. The implication that the event is a rally to support Loretta , Lou and Alfredo is obvious to all and was done intentionally by the Amezcua campaign. Campaigns are know to puff and deceive but its bad form to engage in deception and then whine about the opponent or one of his supporters engaging in deception.
    It must have come as quite a shock to the masses responding to the Amezcua e-mail to find that it was not Amezcua but Pulido who was with Sanchez and Clinton, Pulido not Amezcua who got kind words from Sanchez about his work in Santa Ana and Pulido not Amezcua who introduced Sanchez. The signs on the Courthouse steps were Pulido’s, not Amezcua’s.

    Chris, For the record, the Sanchez campaign’s notice of the rally(and that of Assemblyman Solorio and the DPOC) said it featured ” President Bill Clinton, Congresswoman loretta Sanchez and Mayor Miguel Pulido.” Solorio and the DPOC took the language of the Sanchez flyer and sent it out to try and build a crowd. Those flyers were accurate. Sarmiento’s and Amezcua’s don’t pass the Pinnochio test.

  4. You read what you want to read. Amecua’s email never said attend the Clinton rally in support of Sanchez and Amezcua.

    It was approved by Sanchez and Correa as an invitation to the Clinton rally.

    “Campaigns are know to puff and deceive but its bad form to engage in deception and then whine about the opponent or one of his supporters engaging in deception.”

    I am not whining I did not make the initial arguments. I was answering to them. Perceptions are unique to the individual.

    Pulido took advantage of Sanchez by wedging in on her spotlight. You have your view of it , others have theirs.

    The Sanchez fyer you refer to has “paid by Loretta Sanchez” We asked Loretta about this. She told us she did not send these out. It was done fraudulently I guess.

    Again , Pulido had the stage as Mayor representing the city where the event took place. There was no shock value to this.

    The rest is just politics. If you can’t play it then stay out. We are in the politics.

  5. At last Mr Lomeli, you speak the truth ” We are in the politics.”
    Which means the spin, the lies, the b.s. You did whine–no one on this blog launched a strike on Amezcua—Mr. Prevatt briefly dismissed OJ’s complaint as a small part of this post. I’m sorry myopia has affected your ability to see how deceptive the Amezcua email was but its usually the first symptom of people who are ” in the politics.” This wasn’t Amezcua’s rally, he wasn’t a featured speaker, he’s not part of any team with Clinton, Sanchez or Correa . Heck, Sanchez’s staff wouldn’t even let him in the VIP area. But you’re right, you’re “in the politics” and Amezcua’s email and Sarmiento’s FB note are par for the misleading political course. I just shrugged it off and wouldn’t have said anything until you complained. Bad form old chap.

  6. I understand your politics. You don’t fool me. Again our message was approved by Loretta and Correa, you keep not acknowledging this fact . I understand you avoiding this fact as it then destroys you argument of Amezcua’s emails.

    No one launched the strike on this blog true but was mentioned that it was launched at the OJ blob….you like to immerse yourself in half truths , possibly your association in politics and why you know the definition so well.

    The blog thread here is all about the OJ blog strike and how pulido was associating himself in the rally. To the point that Chris made phone calls to clear it up. Read it over again ……the myopia is descriptive of you. You apparently are a democratic party local group insider protecting your candidate. It is cool , just don’t try to play it off like you are some objective blogger offering intellectual political advise…..please spare me this.

    Loretta invited Amezcua to the VIP personally on the phone. Not having his name on the list was the bad form. Possibly was not her fault and was done by the organisers …I understand the organiser/promoter of the event was Pulido with help from Barbaro. Big shocker why Amezcua’s name was not on the list.

    You knowing the exclusion of Alfredo from the list is interesting….. you have to be part of the Pulido/ Barbaro promotion team. BAD FORM OLD CHAP.

    • The Sanchez people were the ones controlling the access to the VIP center and quite a few people were let in whose names were not on the list. Let me repeat: Sanchez staff members were guarding the entrance. Of course Loretta herself is going to be gracious to Alfredo, Miguel and anyone else who is a constituent. I don’t doubt she might have told one and all to send out emails to encourage a crowd at the rally. But of course we have no evidence that she approved the specific email that was sent, But whatever, I stand by my observation that the email was deceptive. As for knowing Alfredo’s name was not on the list, that’s what I was told by somebody who was at the event and witnessed him being turned away. People do talk. Does your knowing he was not on the list mean you are part of the Pulido/Barbaro promotion team?
      Your admission that Pulido was “the organizer/promoter of the event” is interesting, although I suspect that’s not entirely accurate either. And finally, I’m not part of any promotion team. I was critical of both the Sarmiento and Amezcua emails on this event. Unlike you, I can be objective and criticize both sides in this and other situations.

  7. “I don’t doubt she might have told one and all to send out emails to encourage a crowd at the rally. But of course we have no evidence that she approved the specific email that was sent, But whatever, I stand by my observation that the email was deceptive.”

    More double talk. You agree she told one and all to send emails, you have no proof that she approved the specific email and also important YOU HAVE NO PROOF THAT THE EMAIL WAS NOT APPROVED.

    You apparently do not know any details about anything but present all your arguments with “not accurate”. In order to present something as not accurate you have to have facts not opinion only….more double talk and talk about deception!!! you have it wired old chap.

    You are entitle to your opinion. It is just that . your opinion even if it is wrong…. you can state it. Is this objective????

    Loretta has apologized to us for the mishap.

    “Your admission that Pulido was “the organizer/promoter of the event” is interesting, although I suspect that’s not entirely accurate either.”

    It is accurate. You can verify it through the city and Loretta’s office. Pulido paid for the permit,sound….the costs. This organizing and payment of the event covered the fee for Pulido’s presence in the VIP room. There was a large fee to mingle with Loretta and Clinton in the VIP room.

  8. Mr. Lomeli: I understand your inability to be objective about this race. You’ve demonstrated that ad naseum. But please, claiming that you had approval for the specific email content and then when challenged to provide proof you say there is no proof that the email was not approved is about as weak as an argument gets. You made the claim, you have the burden. You’re like a prosecutor who charges someone with a crime and then when the accused asks what proof there is that they committed the crime you would reply that there was no proof that the person didn’t commit the crime. I can assert I can be objective because I actually have been critical of Pulido on different occasions and in this case Sarmiento as well as Amezcua. Can you refer us to a comment where you have been critical of Amezcua?
    But as I noted, Loretta is going to be gracious to everyone.She needs to do that and overlooks clumsy attempts to try and co-opt event. That doesn’t change the deceptive nature of the email. And your describing everything that Pulido did and his apparently central role in the event makes the email all the more shameful.
    As for the VIP issue, there was no money required to get into the VIP area in front of the stage. If there was ” a hefty fee to mingle with Loretta and Clinton in the VIP room” inside the courthouse are you claiming that Amezcua had written a hefty check and was not let in? Or was Amezcua trying to crash an event without paying and was stopped?

  9. I did not say I do not have proof I said you have no proof. You are the one that made the claim of the email not being accurate….more of your double talk.

    Again the email is accurate. You challenge this, prove that it is not. If not, then take your objective self on to some other issue.

    “I can assert I can be objective because I actually have been critical of Pulido on different occasions and in this case Sarmiento as well as Amezcua.”

    You are not critical of Pulido on this topic, rather, you are very partisan. You obviously are a Pulido supporter. There is nothing wrong with that,be proud of it. I am Proud to say I am a Amezcua supporter.

    I am critical of Amezcua every day. I and other supporters are supporting him because he listens to the residents criticisms and needs.

    I am not claiming anything about the VIP other than to inform you you why Pulido was in the VIP not the reserved front area.

    We accept Loretta’s apology. There was no clumsy attempt at co-opting anything. Do you have proof of this?? Your opinion on this is objective? Pleeeeeease.

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