Like any other Democrat who has made a contribution to a candidate, I get no fewer than 10 appeals for $ every day.
The most unwelcome pitch,right now, is from candidate Betty Yee, running for governor, months from now. Yes, she’d be a great candidate, but Christ on a Crutch, we have serious elections for president, senate, Congress, even state senate and assembly now. What about local races? And there are pitches for $ for Texas, Alaska, Pennslyvania, Michigan and Illinois.
Give your fundraising a Godamn break until November.
I absolutely do care about fundraising for governor but not now. I don’t care that you have a criticial fundraising deadline because there are other candidates for all sorts of offices you need it too. And while I’m at it, no other candidate for Governor is reaching out like you are now. That election is 2026. Stop asking for money until we get through November 2024 please.

And while I’m at it, this applies to OC BoS canddiate Katrina Foley, not up for re-election until 2026. We can wait on giving her $ too. We are at least a year away from worrying about her re-election unless she’s planning a run for another office based on 2024 results.
If you’re making contributions, find a Congressional, state senate, stae assembly, or local office to support. They need your money now.