Senator Min Reacts to Attempts to Overturn Ban on Gun Shows Held on State Property

(SACRAMENTO, CA) – Today, a federal judge granted injunctions to prevent the implementation of Senator Min’s (D-Irvine) Senate Bills (SBs) 264 and SB 915. The first bill, enacted in 2022, prohibited gun shows at the Orange County Fairgrounds.  SB 915, enacted this year, extended this ban to all state property, including California’s 73 state fairgrounds.

“Today’s injunction, issued by a Trump-appointed activist judge, is an outrageous abuse of judicial authority that will undoubtedly make our communities less safe. California’s ban on gun shows on state property (including state-owned fairgrounds sites) has been a major deterrent for preventing the unmitigated flow of firearms—including ‘ghost guns’ which do not require background checks or typically contain serial numbers—into our communities. This decision would force the State of California to conduct activities we do not want, which jeopardize the safety of our constituents, on our own state-owned property and is the very essence of federal overreach that conservatives have so long decried.

I am confident this decision will be reversed on appeal, and pray that this totally unwarranted injunction does not lead to the deaths of more innocent gun violence victims in the interim.”

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Senator Dave Min was elected to the 37th Senate District in 2020 and is the Chair of the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water, as well as the Vice Chair of the California Asian American & Pacific Islander Legislative Caucus. The 37th Senate District is in the heart of Orange County and includes the communities of Anaheim, Costa Mesa, Foothill Ranch, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Laguna Beach, Laguna Woods, Lake Forest, Newport Beach, Orange, Tustin, and Villa Park.


  1. How is an attack on unarmed Israeli communit0ies okay with Dave Min? I do not want the grave responsibility of owning a firearm. However, how does Dave Min get to decide who and where others can buy them? Members of the US house have armed guards, but not our school children.

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