Anaheim’s Jordan Brandman has died

Former Anaheim city council member Jordan’s Brandman has died.  Anaheim Police discovered his body after a family member requested a welfare check because Brandman would not answer his phone.  Multiple sources tell TheLiberalOC Brandman died of an apparent overdose.

‘“It’s going to come out anyway, Dan, you might as well report it,” said a Brandman friend I spoke to. ‘“He trusted you enough to come out to you, you might as well report it.”

News of Brandman’s passing spread quickly among his friends this morning.  There is sadness, anger, and regret. And for some, including me, it’s not a surprise. And there’s significant anger directed at Los Angeles Times reporters Gabriel San Roman and Adam Elmahrek for their expose on Brandman last summer which Brandman’s friends believe pushed the former councilman over the edge.

More as the story develops.


  1. Horrible. I hope that they have plenty of soap on Anna Drive, Steele Lane and Beacon Lane.

    Those cats have Jordan’s blood on their hands.

    I hope Jeanie Robbins hugs the smartest person she ever met tonight. Cuz, the ghost that is about to haunt them doesn’t look happy

  2. No one can know for certain what is going on in the mind of someone who takes their own life. Sometimes an overdose is accidental. To blame anyone for that choice, other than the person who made it, is not a productive response.

    If you or someone you know is having a crisis please reach out for help by dialing 988. It is a tragedy when anyone suffers an untimely death.

    No matter the controversies that befell Jordan, I doubt anyone involved would wish him death. Nothing he did, or may have done, warrants a death sentence.

  3. It’s entirely possible it was an accidental overdose; all I learned was “overdose” with no detail. Jordan pushed many of his longtime friends away and he did so pretty hard

  4. As anticipated the BULLSHIT surrounding Jordan’s death is circulating through Vern and Greg’s covert shadow group “better Anaheim” allegedly run by Fred Sigala and Jose Moreno. These classless fools have NO SCRUPLES.

    Greg Diamond commenting on social media that Jordan made more from the building trades and his consulting business in ONE YEAR than he (Greg) had earned this Century!!!

    I don’t know what’s worse….

  5. I first met Jordan when he was just stepping into the political arena. Our regular discussions at DRINKING LIBERALLY in Santa Ana about local politics were always enlightening, and I genuinely enjoyed hearing his fresh ideas and perspectives. The sad reality is that suicide disproportionately affects the LGBTQIA community, and the complexities of living a life overshadowed by secrecy and shame can undoubtedly exacerbate this. I hope, in these challenging times, his family finds some semblance of peace. Jordan’s passing is a poignant reminder of the need for greater understanding and compassion for one another.

  6. It was suggested to me that Tito Watch is behind the mailers. I mean Greg could never afford a forever stamp let alone a color copies.

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