The Stte Republican Party Convention will bein Anaheim next month through October 1 and the thrice-indicted former President Donald Trump will address California Republicans at a luncheon on September 29. The announcement was made hours before Trump was indicted a third time — this time on charges related to the January 6 insurrection where he’ll be tried in a Washington DC Federal court in front of an Obama-appointed federal judge with a track record for being harsh on those who stormed the Capitol.
In a statement issued b CA GOP Chair Jessica Patterson:“We are thrilled to welcome President Trump back to the CAGOP convention stage for the first time since our 2016 convention. As California Republicans prepare to play a major role in deciding who our party’s 2024 presidential nominee will be, I look forward to President Trump speaking with our delegates about his plans to move our country forward.”
The fall convention is slated to take place at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel from Sept. 29 through Oct. 1.
Over the weekend, the California GOP changed how the party will award its 169 delegates for the March 5 presidential primary. A simple majority of 50% plus 1 makes it a winner take all primary. If no contender gets to 50%, the delegates will be distributed proportionally based on each vote percentage. In Californa, half of Republican voters favor Trump.
Whe Republicans claim the latest indictment is about election interference, they are actually right. But its interference with the 2020 election, not 2024.
Let’s not forget those OC GOP candidates for office who support this indicted former President:
While liberals are gloating over Trump’s unsubstantiated indictments, our shops are ransacked by certain clientele. Why wouldn’t punks clean out a jeweler in Irvine in broad daylight? They have been allowed to run amok for three years. The cops are terrified of suffering the same fate as Derek Chauvin and his colleagues. George Floyd overdosed on Fetanyl. Hunter Biden was the mule for the Big Guy’s bribes from China, Ukraine, and other countries for 100 million. Is this loss of a civil culture worth your smug obsession with Trump?