We finally have a candidate to challenge Don Wager in BoS District 3.
“I am officially running as a candidate for the newly redrawn 3rd Supervisoral District in Orange County,” said Farrah Khan, currently Irvine’s mayor. “As mayor, I have witnessed the county’s immense potential and pressing challeneges. I am dedicated to advocatng for all communities and tirelessly working to bring about positive change. Join me in a stronger and more inclusive Orange County. Together we can build a future to be proud of.”
And I’m already hearing bitching from my friends at Irvine Watchdog about this race, to which I offer this. Pull papers and run yourself, or find a candidate. Or, look in the mirror and tell yourself Wagner is better than Khan. Otherwise, quit your bitching and let’s elect another Democrat to this body.
This will piss off the cheap seats.
then screw em
She is trash and so are you if you support her. She can’t even fill out a fppc 700 form truthfully. Sheesh. Be real.
Tell you what Eric. Why don’t you run for supervisor.
Why do I have to run for anything in order to have a voice? That is a bogus argument. Democracies require participation. That includes everyone. Not just those seeking office.
Because you know she’d thump you, coward
Ooooh. You got me. Yeah I’m afraid of a lying, racist with a tendency of stabbing those closest to her in the back of thumping me. I ran briefly against Ackerman in 2006. Democrats didn’t have their own candidate to oppose his reelection bid for CA senate and no infrastructure for grooming new talent. You know what they say. We get the leadership we deserve. Her husband and her were or are doing business in the city without business licenses. In fact, Farrah is pretending she is no longer married. What is/are she/they hiding? So what you are saying is that the only way you can report on politics or criticize politicians is if you are also running for office? Or does that rule only apply to me?
I think I already thumped her. After she called me an Islamophobe, the city pledged to build an Armenian Genocide memorial in a memorial park to be carved out in the Great Park. If she wants to keep on playing piñata, I’ve got a stick for her. I doubt she’ll have a chance against Wagner.
Carrol and Kahn had crafted a letter to Gavin da man. Agran supported it. It stated Irvine was above and beyond their housing unit quotas (about 60,000) and by the way, designate 3 billion bucks as the law requires for reimbursement to OC cities! Kim and Treseder would not even think of closing the door to one poor person or asking Sacramento for a dime. (Even though the Irvine Business district children mostly go to Tustin and Santa Ana schools.) So in a wise compromise, Queen Kahn suggested whoever wanted to sign the letter could, otherwise don’t! Irvine was acting like a real city. However, will that genious act balance out the OCPA and Great Park handouts, and the Melamet Rafiei ghost of shame?