DiFi to retire

Sen. Dianne Feinstein
Sen. Dianne Feinstein


Here’s a note from US Senator Dianne Feinstein:


Today I am announcing that I will not run for reelection in 2024, but I will complete my current Senate term through the end of next year and achieve as much for California as possible.

I am committed to continuing my work on several priorities for California, and for the United States. This includes combating wildfire, addressing our historic drought, and tackling the homelessness crisis. I am also committed to continuing my career-long work in fighting this epidemic of gun violence, which we were reminded of again tragically last night in Michigan.

I have greatly appreciated your friendship and support, and thank you for your help in all we have gotten done over the past 30 years.

From the assault weapons ban in 1994, to preserving Lake Tahoe and the Mojave Desert, to ending the CIA torture program after 9/11, and so many more things, we have been able to make a real difference. I will continue in that effort for the next two years, and can’t tell you how much I appreciate all of your support.


  1. Now that Barbara Lee has jumped in (with the full throated support of the OJB) things should get interesting.

    I wonder how candidate Lee will respond when faced with Donna Asceveda’s SUCK MY C*CK tweets. Or maybe candidate Lee is more in line with the “National Socialist German Party” comentary over there (which seems to be gaining speed with The Courtyard of the Old Residency in Munich wannabe).

    Either way Vern calls people “trolls” while his deviant wife stalks Mothers of dying children.

    When does Ada say ENOUGH! ¿

  2. Sad that Greg was one of the only family Members NOT to attend his Brothers funeral in PI.

    How could you be so destitute not to afford a $500. ticket TO JEFF’S HUSBANDS FUNERAL???
    Greg is in his sixties and doesn’t have a pot to pi$$ in?

    Maybe if he got a job instead of blogging….

      • I collect those and some of them are worth hundreds (especially the ones Stan Lee signed); but I actually collect classic hardcovers….equally as valuable and many books are signed. I’ll never sell my signed copy of Walter Cronkite’s autobiography

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