Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva and CA-45 Leaders Endorse Kim Bernice Nguyen for Congress

Kim Nguyen

Kim Nguyen


GARDEN GROVE, CA          Coming on the heels of a successful rollout and just four days after announcing her campaign for Congress, Garden Grove City Councilwoman Kim Bernice Nguyen announced a major endorsement from Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva (D-Fullerton), whose 67th Assembly District comprises nearly 35% of CA-45 and neighborhoods across North Orange County and Southeast Los Angeles County. Since Wednesday, 30 state, county, city, and local leaders throughout California have already lined up to endorse Kim Bernice Nguyen for Congress, including several prominent local leaders from the district.

Upon endorsing Ms. Nguyen, Assemblywoman Quirk-Silva stated:

“I’m proud to endorse Kim Bernice Nguyen for US Congress. Whether its tackling our homelessness crisis or focusing on crucial issues like gun reform, lowering healthcare costs, and protecting a woman’s right to choose, Kim represents the type of bold leadership we need in Washington and I hope you’ll join me in supporting Kim and flipping CA-45 blue!”

Leaders across CA-45 endorsing Kim Bernice Nguyen include:

Sharon Quirk-Silva, Assemblywoman, 67th District
Susan Sonne, Buena Park Mayor Pro Tem
Connor Traut, Buena Park City Councilmember
Jose Trinidad Castaneda, Buena Park City Councilmember
Frances Marquez, Cypress City Councilmember
John O’Neill, Garden Grove City Councilmember
Marshall Goodman, La Palma City Councilmember
Lamiya Hoque, Centralia School Boardmember
Luis Flores, Centralia School Boardmember
Walter Muneton, Garden Grove Unified School Boardmember
The daughter of a Vietnamese refugee and a Mexican immigrant, Kim Bernice Nguyen was the first in her family to graduate high school and college. At just 25, she won a historic election as the youngest person and first Latina ever elected to the Garden Grove City Council. A leader on women’s issues, Ms. Nguyen has stood up to harassment and sought equality and justice throughout Southern California and has fought to ensure that immigrants, like her parents, have the dignity and opportunity to succeed in our communities. A homegrown leader, Ms. Nguyen attended Clinton-Medenhall Elementary, Doig Intermediate, and Santiago High School. As a healthcare expert, she will bring a much-needed public health background to Congress, having formerly worked for CalOptima and now as a Program Manager for a large health plan.

CA-45 is one of the top pickup opportunities for Democrats in 2024. It is a Biden +6 district with a Democratic registration advantage of 5.6%. Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) and Latino voters are a majority of the district at 51.6% – with Vietnamese voters making up the largest block of AAPI voters at 58.4%. If elected, Ms. Nguyen would be the first person of Vietnamese descent ever elected to Congress in California and only the third in US history. She would also be the first Asian-Latina in Congress and one of a growing group of millennials seeking to make change on our most crucial issues.

For an updated list on all endorsements, click here


  1. Greg the Grifter is doing flips and twists over this (not literally of course, he can’t see his feet).

    Allegedly, Vern and Greg are pressing for universal income and an extension of their EBT benefits and KBN has a more moderate and reasonable solution.

    Vern complains SQS won’t take his calls, maybe she talked to Audrie V!!!!!

  2. I know you are a baseball fan Dan.

    Angels owner Arte Moreno has decided to retain ownership. Naturally the brain trust at the OJB have decided to offer unsolicited advise to the Billionare businessman.

    I mean three unemployed bloggers in their 60’s on public assistance offering perspective to a man who has 1,000+ employees and payrolls in the TENS OF MILLION DOLLARS is interesting.

    I am sure “Greg the grifter” can figure out how to get his hands on the leftover hot dogs and Cracker Jack’s off the stadium floor.

    As for Zenger he can sell water colors of Mike Trout in the parking lot to make ends meet.

    And Vern’s advise to a man who spends more on breakfast than the Anna Drive rent is sure to be interesting (in fairness Vern and Donna have NOT paid rent since 2019, thanks to Covid relief).

    So Arte has expert advise. Maybe the NFL Denver Bronco’s should consult these business sports geniuses (I am given to understand Zenger was a stand out Badmitten player in Claremont before he got his birdie clipped by a 19 year old Chinese kid)

    • Arte hasn’t been a bad owner; he has made investments that don’t always work out. But the stadium needs to be replaced and if he finds another city to move to I would not fault him. The city needs to be out of the stadium business

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