Aitken Secures Endorsements from Correa and Umberg for Anaheim Mayor


These were both announced only on social media with no real press release behind them, but Democratic candidate Ashleigh Aitken has secured endorsements from Congressman Lou Correa and State Senator Tom Umberg in her campaign to be Anaheim’s next elected mayor.

Those posts are below:



  1. Oh my what will Greg Diamond say?

    After all, Greg has on multiple occasions accussed Congressman Correaof murder! Seriously. He has.

    After watching the Anaheim city council meeting this week, I wonder why Asliegh associates with the clowns at OJB. Perhaps she can explain to her children Brian Kaye and Jeanie Robbins profanity.

  2. Greg is under the impression his endorsement is worth something. It’s not. He makes very little $. He gives no $ for political contributions but demands candidates pay attention to him. I don’t think Lou or Ashleigh care what Greg has to say

  3. I see that that DISGUSTING racist, associated with Vern and Donna Nelson, William Dennis Fitzgerald died. GOOD.

    It led me too look back on the OJB coverage of this fool. In doing so, I realized Vern Nelson, Donna Nelson, Greg Diamond, David Zenger, Cynthia Ward, Paul Lucas etc…..HAVE NOT WORKED SINCE 2014 (Zenger sold a water color to Bushala for six bucks). I would have included Ryan Catnor, but he ran off to Alabama or some other racist homophobe shithole. But in the contagious mental illness den that is the OJB, this nut still chimes in like he still lives in Anaheim…….wait he NEVER lived there??? Wow. This guy should coach his kids games and not obsess over Diamond’s underpants!

    • Got a real catch on the line here! Don’t let this prize get away! Does anybody else comment her. Lol.

  4. Hey Dick.

    You sound like a make believe character in a bad water color, painted by a child molester on the Wind River in Wyoming.

    Except you don’t have a creepy goatee and post half naked pictures of you 62year old self.

    Tell Colleen to get those polyps checked out.

    • Wow, more top drawer commentary by the unemployed the creepy freak. Well done! What Blog. One turd swirling around a bowl that won’t flush, lol!

      • Unemployed???? Vern, Donna, Greg, Dave, Mark Richard Daniels,Brian Kaye and Cecil.

        Wow. Dick. In and out pays $18. to start. If collectively the bottom feeding rats make LESS than a $100 k combined! In the world of six dollar fuel.

        Makes one wanna go to Columbia, UT, Claremont, Westmont etc…. so we CAN LOG ALL DAY and not work.

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