OC GOP Backs Harkey for Supervisor in 5th District

Despite an effort by failed Congressional candidate and Mission Viejo Council Member Greg Raths to hold the local party to “no endorsement” in the 5th district Board of Supervisor’s race, the OC GOP endorsed another failed congressional candidate Dianne Harkey for the seat at a nominating meeting last night.

Rath’s behavior in previous campaigns combined with Harkey’s ability to raise money or self-fund were deciding facts.  Raths lost to Rep. Katie Porter in 2020 while Harkey lost to Rep. Mike Levin — both by large margins.  Raths is going to continue campaigning and raising money in hopes of making the top two n the ballot.

Greg Raths

OC Democrats are uniting around Joe Kerr who has already earned the DPOC endorsement for the seat.

Joe Kerr