Mike Carroll re-registers as a Republican

Appointed Irvine Council member Mike Carroll has decided to end his time as a NPP candidate and has re-registered as a Republican.

City Hall insiders tell TheLiberalOC the councilman was frustrated with a lack of support from Mayor Chirstina Shea and mayor Pro-Tem Anthony Kuo for not being a Republican and the move reflects a desire to push certain issues forward he was unable to as an NPP.

But is Carroll a NeverTrumper or one who loves the President?

And before the knives come out for Farrah Khan, because of her vote for an appointment over a costly special election, Carroll registering as a Republican with President Trump about to be impeached by the House of Representatives just makes him that much bigger of a target for motivated Democrats to oust him and Shea in the 2020 election.  Now we know not to take Carroll at his word.

Democrats will have some strong candidates in Irvine for 2020.  Melissa Fox would only run for re-election if Eugene Fields beats her for the number 2 spot in AD68 so with the right mix, three members of the city council could turn Irvine solidly blue in 2020, and with Khan is a safe seat, a 4-1 advantage is not out of the question.

If Shea’s on the ballot, I wouldn’t mind seeing former Mayor Sukhee Kang challenge her as he’s already thumped Shea once.



  1. “If Shea’s on the ballot, I wouldn’t mind seeing former Mayor Sukhee Kang challenge her as he’s already thumped Shea once.”

    That guy moved to Fullerton years ago.

  2. And moved back to Irvine; I ran into him on the trail in Northwood and we had a nice chat about his grandchildren.

    And if he decided to run for Mayor, he’d beat Shea like a drum. He did before.

    • Moved to Fullerton to run for office. Failed badly. Moved back to Irvine. That’ll look good on his campaign resume.

        • and Katrina Foley ought to run for re-election as mayor. She’s a great gal and would do great things for Costa Mesa!

  3. First, as to Sukhee Kang, he was widely praised as an effective and elegant mayor who enhanced Irvine’s reputation internationally in an exponential way. I feel Irvine would be beyond fortunate if he were to re-enter Irvine politics. My sense is he is a once-in-a-generation talent. As to Mr. Carroll, I feel he brings an admirable skill set to the Council with his background as a General Counsel of a financial institution and for his keen work on the very crucial issue of housing units. That being said, given his background, it’s no surprise he’s back in the Republican fold (he’s never left). For own political future, I feel he should begin to become more independent. My impression is at Council he displays an almost fawning admiration of Mayor Shea and FivePoint, to his own disservice.

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