DPOC Chair Sdao will step down in 2019

Eric Bauman with DPOC's Fran Sdao
Eric Bauman with DPOC’s Fran Sdao


Democratic Party of Orange County Chair Fran Sdao, who engineered the Blue Wave in Orange County that took seats from Congress to State Senate/Assembly to City Council races, will step down in 2019.  She announced this news at last night’s Party meeting and the reason is pretty simple — her husband has a job transfer to the Washington DC area.

Sdao said with OC having seven Congressional reps, she’ll have seven people she can have lunch with in Washington.

Sdao’s immediate plans are the Party’s holiday gathering and she will be involved in planning the annual Truman dinner.

So the campaigning for a new Party chair will begin in earnest.  Those interested in running for chair should look at the DPOC’s bylaws on the election of officers and start making calls.

1 Comment

  1. The Republikkkan Party in CA, including Orange County , has been on a decades-long suicide mission just to keep their political base (AKA old racist White men and some old whackjob White women too) placated in the face of overwhelming unstoppable demographic and cultural changes. Didn’t they learn their lesson from Pete Wilson? No, apparently not. They just doubled down with their sycophantic cult-like support of the obese orange idiot a-hole Trump the Plump Chump, Benito Mussolini’s biggest/fattest fan, and now the GOP (Greedy Old Perverts) are down to 7 Republikkkan House members from CA vs. 48 Democratic House members from CA.


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