La Habra Mayor Rose Espinoza Endorses Phil Janowicz for Congress

Phil Janowicz
Phil Janowicz

The Phil Janowicz for Congress Campaign continued their streak of local endorsements today and announced support from La Habra Mayor Rose Espinoza.

In endorsing Phil Janowicz, Mayor Espinoza released the following statement:

“It’s past time for fresh leadership in congress and that’s why I’m proud to endorse Phil Janowicz. Whether it’s more investments in our local schools, standing up for affordable healthcare and affordable housing, or new infrastructure projects to improve our roads and neighborhoods, I know that Phil will fight everyday on behalf of our community. We need real change in Washington and it starts right here in District 39 with Phil Janowicz.” 

Mayor Rose Espinoza has served on the La Habra City Council since 2000. In 1991, Mayor Espinoza founded the La Habra program, Rosie’s Garage, out of concern for the growing gang activity and low educational attainment of children in her neighborhood. She currently serves a volunteer director of the organization. As the recipient of many awards for volunteerism, Mayor Espinoza received the Points of Light Presidential Service Award from former President Clinton in 1994

CA-39 has been recognized nationally as a top pickup opportunity for Democrats in 2018. Hillary Clinton won the district with a majority of the vote by 8.6 points. The Republican registration advantage has shrunk dramatically since the district was drawn in 2011 and is now under 2 points. The Nationally respected Cook Political Report moved this District away from the “Likely Republican” column and notes a “political outsider” is ideal to take on Ed Royce.

About Phil: Phil Janowicz is President and CEO of Quill & Abacus, an education consulting firm focused on narrowing the opportunity gap for first-generation and low-income students. He formerly taught chemistry at CSUF. There, he founded the Supplemental Instruction (SI) program for Chemistry, which provides extra instruction, mentoring, and support for students. Phil is the only Democratic challenger in CA-39 who voted against Royce in 2016. He lives in Buena Park with his wife, Angela, a native of Rowland Heights and an English Teacher at Fullerton College. They have two dogs, Molly and Jasmine, and a cat named Arya.