Orange County political consultant and Democratic National Committee member Melahat Rafiei has authored a guest editorial in the Sacramento Bee which calls on Kimberly Ellis to be the leader to the Democratic Party that so many believe she is by conceding the race for California Democratic Party Chair.
From the article:
Past elected Democratic Party leaders had the foresight to adopt the most un-hackable, fraud-proof voting system in the nation: a paper ballot system that leaves a definitive record and can be easily verified since voters’ names appear right on the ballot. There are no software bugs, no chances of Russian hacking. No black boxes for a forensic audit to crack.
For four days her team scrutinized ballots. They still can’t supply a single name of a person whose vote should be tossed out. In what seems a desperate attempt to find something wrong, they single out the vote of a disabled delegate of the Orthodox Jewish faith who needed assistance to vote on Sabbath.
Ellis is a leader, whether or not she is the chair of the California Democratic Party. She has inspired and trained hundreds of women throughout the state to run for office. Our sincere hope is that she does what any strong leader would do after a loss: End this unnecessary drama so the party and our activists can focus on what is really important – standing up for Californians, not fighting each other.
It’s the opinion of this blog that each day the Ellis team drags out an election review where results will not change, it further divides the Party and hurts our efforts to beat back the Trump agenda and Republican candidates.