Trump supporters temporarily shut down Correa Town Hall on Immigration

Congressman Lou Correa, Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragán pose with volunteer lawyers at LAX on Jan. 29, 2017 to assist detainees as a result of President Trump's immigration ban.


Congressman Lou Correa, Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragán pose with volunteer lawyers at LAX on Jan. 29, 2017 to assist detainees as a result of President Trump’s immigration ban.


Santa Ana, CA – Tonight, Congressman Lou Correa’s Town Hall was temporarily halted by Trump supporters. After protestors were escorted out of the event, the Town Hall reconvened. The Congressman issued the following statement: 

“I completely support the right of all parties to exercise their first amendment rights. However, I urge people to act responsibly and refrain from violence.” 

This was Congressman Lou Correa’s seventh Town Hall, but the first to be targeted by conservative disruptors.



      • I strongly disagree with the tactic of disrupting a public meeting, whether it be by conservatives or liberals. Most of this type of disrupting I have seen has been by anti-Trumpers.

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