Mike Levin will challenge Issa for Congress

Former Democratic Party of Orange County Executive Director Mike Levin has announced a run for Congress, challenging Darryl Issa.

Here’s his message:

Today, I am announcing my candidacy for United States Congress.  My opponent is Republican Congressman Darrell Issa.

You know the stakes.  The bedrock principles of American democracy are quite literally in jeopardy.  If we are to reclaim our nation’s values, we simply must elect a Democratic House of Representatives in 2018 – a House that will exercise meaningful Congressional oversight of the Trump Administration.   That means we must defeat Darrell Issa, who The New York Times recently called “the nation’s most vulnerable incumbent.”

We missed the chance to defeat Issa in 2016, even though Trump lost the 49th District by 7.4%. We cannot let that happen again. I am up to the challenge of a rough campaign in 2018, and look forward to standing on a strong record of ethics and personal integrity.

You have worked with me over the years on numerous campaigns and causes.  You know that I will throw everything I have into this race.  No one will out work me.

But I need your help.  Today.

It may seem like the election is a long way off.  But the time to act is now. 

I have committed myself to raise $100,000 by March 31 – the first deadline for public financial disclosure.  If I can do that, I will go a very long way towards uniting the Democratic Party behind my candidacy, and proving I am best prepared to take on – and defeat – Darrell Issa.

Click this link to make a secure online contribution today and become one of our Founding Supporters:


I only have three weeks to make my goal.  Please contribute today and help me send a powerful message. The eyes of the nation will be on the 49th Congressional District in 2018.  Together, we will take our country back.

The 2016 election in CD-49 was actually very winnable for Democrat Doug Applegate.  The difference: Applegate all but ignored South Orange County which delivered a decisive margin of victory to Issa by about 1,600 votes.  Even the Applegate campaign admits they made a mistake in not working the OC part of the district enough, and he’s already announced he’s running for the seat again.

Levin has skills Applegate lacks.  He can raise money.  He’s very well-connected in county and statewide political circles and has a number of national Democratic leaders on speed dial.  Levin is a successful attorney and business leader in the growing Clean Technology/Clean Energy industry, which is a proven job growth sector nationally.  Mike is a skilled debator, knows his issues well and he gets it on a number of fronts that both progressive reformists and establishment Democrats can rally around.

And good luck on opposition research on the guy who’s pretty squeaky clean with a beautiful young family.  If you want to fault him, fault him for being a Stanford Cardinal fan (but hey, you gotta be true to your school).


  1. Mike Levin is an environmental attorney and clean energy advocate who also happens to be a solid, enlightened man of principle. Just as importantly, he understands the importance of truly hearing people’s concerns and values transparency and accountability in government. He is exactly what OC needs and I only hope we can find a candidate of equal caliber for the 45th District to unseat Mimi Walters!

  2. Here is Carlsbad, we have shown that people power can win over big money. No thank you to Levin, I will work for Applegate.

    • Mike Levin is the worst kind of Democrat – the armchair environmentalist who ignores poor & minority communities. He never promoted Latinos or other minorities while at the DPOC. He was a lap dog for Barbero and other DINOs. I hope to God a Democrat that has roots in this district – not a carpet- AGGRR runs.

      • Rodney, you’re wrong. Ask Loretta Sanchez about Mike. Ask Pulido. Ask Melahat. An armchair environmentalist? You obviously don’t know what you’re talking about. Mike isn’t a carpetbagger. He’s had a home in South County for years (both his kids were born there).

                • Vern thinks he knows what a Mexican looks like. He probably thinks they look like the drawing of a in OC Weekly’s “Ask a Mexican.” Maybe Vern should get a job working with ICE, sniffing out paisanos trying to pass as gabachos. ¿Hablas español? puedes bailar salsa?

                • Again with the Eternal Sunshine of Dan’s Spotless Mind. You’ve forgotten by now, but you were trying to make the case that Mike’s half-Mexicanness makes him a better candidate than Applegate, because all the high-propensity Latino voters in Issa’s district are just gonna LOVE him! (I assume you’re picturing the ones in Vista, Carlsbad, and San Juan Cap – SOME of them must be citizens!)

                  And my point, which flies over your head as always, is that whatever Latinos vote based on race aren’t gonna take much notice of a light-skinned guy called Levin who doesn’t speak Spanish. Yeah, maybe they all need to watch Mike’s video, that’ll do it.

                • actually, you missed the point. I’m stating a fact he’s half-Mexican. Are Latino voters in the district going to vote for Issa over Mike? The fact he’s half-Mexican doesn’t hurt him, it helps him. What’s helps more is his position on issues that matter to Democrats and to voters. Healthcare, climate change, the environment and the new economy where green tech really will matter. God forbid we wouldn’t want a smart person as a candidate for Congress. You’re not the best at connecting dots are you?

            • Well you may want to fill Mike in on your opinion. He apparently isn’t aware. He’s kept a great secret. Is he also African-American and Asian too?

                • You apparently do you know him VERY well. So tell us, when Mike applied to high school in LA (Loyola HS) Stanford & Duke, did he indicate he was Latino on his admission application? Mike is starting to sound like ,Garcetti…,I’ll stick with someone who served his country.

                • Mike is a very smart guy; you don’t get into Duke or Stanford without the grades or the test scores. Stay with Applegate…that’s your choice. Democrats have a much better candidate who can debate Issa more effectively — that’s Mike.

                • You are reading your own racial/ethnic biases into my question — which, by the way, you conveniently evaded — as I never said he wasn’t smart or lacked good grades/scores. Putting that aside, as a beneficiary of Affirmative Action, does Mike support Affirmative Action now or did he ever?

                • Your response made me laugh. So did Mike indicate on his application to Stanford or Duke that he was Mexican-American? You can ask him. This isn’t a tough question, is it? He’s a candidate now and so folks will ask.

                • I’m sure he’ll be happy to answer it. Go ahead an contact him via his website or Facebook. He’s not hard to find. Wouldn’t you care more about his positions on issues

        • Your example of Latino Democrats are laughable. Miguel supported 187 and Loretta Brixey-Sanchez was a Rep until she realized that she could win office by changing her party registration. Mike has never been a friend to Latinos or Latino candidates. That probably will help him in this district.

  3. I was born in Oceanside and have Marine relatives still there. Levin is a carpetbagger and stands no chance to displace Colonel Applegate as the people’s choice. This is an example of pride overcoming reason. Levin is an OC boy, he has no chance. Applegate, a former Marine, came within 2,000 votes of beating Issa.

    • Levin has lived in the district for several years. He bought a house in South County years ago. So what. Where was Colonel Applegate at the town hall today? If Applegate had paid any attention to OC in November, he’d be in Congress now. Let’s be clear. Mike didn’t move to CD49 to run for Congress. He decided to run for Congress after Trump won.

      • Levin is referred to as a carpetbagger in many responses to his footnote status in the WaPo article. He is splitting what would be a clear and easy victory for the Dem party. I would not be surprised to see many Irvine Republican/DINO’s supporting him in order to assure Issa’s victory. Applegate has thousands of volunteers who live in the county that most of the district is located in. Levin is an opportunist in the great tradition of OC splitter/losers- -Perez and Sanchez, most recently. A waste of time, money and effort, all due to shysters and their vanity.

        • Applegate lives in San Clemente. Irvine Republicans would never back Mike. And oh, blog comments in the WaPo article mean it’s true! Spare me. Mike has done much more for the Democratic Party and Democrats than Colonel Applegate ever did. Where was Applegate for the ton hall anyway? If it comes down to Issa vs Levin, are you going to tell me with a straight face you back Issa? Please

  4. Here’s a post from WaPo-“That’s what happened twice in Maine, with LePage winning with about 33% of the vote in a 3-way. Ego has to take a backseat.” Ego- thy name is Levin, the lying lawyer!

  5. Why are arguing for an outsider to upset a clear Democratic victory in such an important race? I question your motives. I’m a vet who worked on Applegate’s campaign, we are psyched for next time, and some shyster from Irvine moves in with big corporate money? Sorry but working as a corporate “green” shill in San Diego and living in the OC will not win a North County seat. Lewin is wasting Democratic time and money- showing up at a town hall meeting in a $1000 suit is no qualifier. Applegate has thousands of volunteers, tell your boy to start with school board. Why replace one corporate shill with another?

    • All I can say is you make a number of mistakes about Mike and clearly haven’t done your homework on him. You question my motives? Here it is: Mike’s a better candidate. That plain enough?

      If this race was such a clear Democratic victory, Applegate would be in Congress now; he’s not because he didn’t take care of things in OC — where Applegate lives!

      Mike’s a lawyer, not a shyster. Nice derogatory anti-Semetic reference on your part. He’s from Lake Forrest and did live in Irvine. He works for a company in OC not San Diego. His work in clean energy and renewable energy is laudable because of the many jobs this industry will create.

      Where was Applegate on Saturday morning? Not at the Town Hall!

      A $1000 suit. You’re a clown. So here’s what you have wrong: where Mike is from, what he does for a living, how much his suits cost, where he works, you no nothing about his political experience.

      Want more? Here’s a Mother Jones piece on him:
      Mike Levin preempted his bid to take on the wealthiest man in Congress by trolling him. “Over the holiday season, I sent Darrell Issa a book called Climate Change for Beginners,” Levin says. “It’s a 150-page book, illustrated. It’s got pictures,” he notes, adding that he hoped it would prod Issa, a nine-term Republican congressman who represents parts of California’s Orange and San Diego Counties, to correct his claim to being “unsure of the science” behind climate change.

      This week, Levin, a Democratic activist and environmental lawyer, announced that he hopes to challenge Issa in 2018 because, as he tweeted on Wednesday, “I care deeply about the type of country my young kids grow up in.” His decision comes at a challenging time for Issa. Since he was narrowly reelected in November, Issa has been facing mounting pressure inside his district. Protesters have gathered outside his Vista office on a weekly basis. In February, a GoFundMe campaign raised six grand to buy a full-page ad in the San Diego Union-Tribune urging Issa to attend a town hall meeting. He didn’t show, citing a “longstanding obligation” to tour a homeless shelter. Francine Busby, chair of the San Diego County Democratic Party, told me last week, “He’s definitely feeling the heat down here.”

      Levin is an environmental lawyer who started an Orange County trade organization for the clean energy industry and is on the board of the California Hydrogen Business Council. (He drives a hydrogen-powered car.) He’s spent more than a decade volunteering for Democratic campaigns at the local, state, and national level, and he previously served as the executive director of the Democratic Party of Orange County. Though he considered running for Issa’s seat in both 2012 and 2014, he says Donald Trump’s victory and Issa’s embrace of the president created the urgency for him to take the plunge. He says any Democratic effort to take the House in the midterms will have to include California’s 49th District.

      Issa recently made an apparent about-face on climate change, but Levin’s not buying it. In 2013, Issa received the League of Conservation Voters’ “Climate Change Denier” award. Yet this month, he joined the Climate Solutions Caucus, a bipartisan group of lawmakers dedicated to fighting climate change. “I find the whole thing typical of what Darrell Issa does,” says Levin. He points to Issa calling for an independent investigation into Russia’s role in the 2016 election and his subsequent walk-back of those comments. “He’ll say something that on its face sounds good—whether it’s, ‘I joined the Climate Solutions Caucus,’ or, ‘I have a replacement for Obamacare,’ or, ‘We need an independent independent investigation’—but when you peel back the onion, it’s awful.”

      But before Levin can get to Issa, he’ll first have to face Doug Applegate, the political newcomer who came within a percentage point of besting Issa in the November election. Applegate, a former Marine colonel, has bona fide military cred, and used it to gain support in the district, which incudes the Camp Pendleton Marine Corps base. Levin lacks military experience, but says he soon will be “announcing military endorsements in the military community.”

      But the Issa-Applegate race devolved into a series of personal attacks, and Levin believes he’ll be able to avoid that. “I have tried to live my life to the highest ethical standards,” he says, adding that any mud Issa’s team slings at him will have to be about the issues. “I believe this race ultimately will be about who can be the strongest opponent against Darrell Issa, who can run the best campaign and who can stay on offense and keep the focus on Darrell Issa’s record and positions that are contrary to the majority of voters in the district.”

      There’s still more than a year before the 2018 campaign season will heat up. But if his narrow win in 2016 is any indicator, the changing climate Issa should be most worried about is in his own backyard.

  6. We saw first hand what “Bernie-crat’s” got us in 2016.

    Now some of them (AMAZINGLY) are doubling down. Now I am pretty sure, Vern Nelson has been a registered REPUBLICAN for most of the past ten years. Something he tries to explain away as a ploy.

    We have seen enough “ploy’s” and song and dance routines from the likes of Greg Diamond, Vern Nelson, Jeff (HOWARD AHMANSON IS OK) LeTourneu .

    It’s Mikes right to run, in fact a lot of people believe he should. When we start taking advice from Meth-Heads and drunks we’ll end up with More LOSERS like Joe DONE.

    The reality is, these self proclaimed “Activists” have NO CLUE. Standing on Harbor Boulevard in a mask does not make someone a Democrat, it makes them an idiot.

  7. Really, Dan hates Colonel Applegate because he was a Bernie supporter, and he’s dying to start up more intra-party bitterness for 2018. And apparently Mike’s an old friend of his, a corporate Dem like him, an old throwback to the Barbaro era, and Dan sees no problem with a guy from Irvine trying to run in San Diego County. Mike does sound like a much better fit for Mimi’s district, and is no doubt head and shoulders better than Mimi.

    Oh but did you hear, he’s half-Mexican!

    • I hate Colonel Applegate? I had no idea. I met him at ROV when I turned in my petition to run for Central Committee. Nice guy.

      Mike is from Lake Forrest and has lived in San Juan Capistrano for years. We worked together getting CleanTechOC going (it’s now SustainOC). He’s an early adopter for clean tech/green tech. I met him once when he was Executive Director for DPOC. I’ve known Mike for years…I was in the car with Mike and his boss headed to an LA Times interview when he told his boss he was getting married. You’re a jerk Vern. Making stuff up. Delusions affect you.

      And I’m dying to start inter-party bitterness? Wow. I had no idea this was my diabolical plot. Mikes a Dem. he’s not a corporate Dem. I’m a pro-business Dem which means I like to make enough money to pay my people well. And I do. I take great pride in signing the front of paychecks while you deceive the preacher you play music for at church on Sundays for money while being agnostic. You’re morally bankrupt douchebag.

      I think you need to stop drinking, stop listening to the fairy tales you hear from Greg and Paul Lucas, and think before you spew crap like this out of your pie hole.

      Applegate was a Bernie supporter? I had no idea who he supported or president. And I don’t care. I hoped he’d beat Issa last fall but he ignored people who told him to work South OC more. Mike will be a better candidate. A win against Issa is not guaranteed. But I’m happy to remind you Bernie Sanders lost California big. He lost the primary season and he never was a Democrat. Should we let Mitch McConnell dictate how our party is run? I proudly supported the Democrat in the race. Mike did too. Early on. Both of us.

      Care to make up any more drivel Pendejo?

  8. Oh yeah. Remember that candidate Ron Shepston who ran against Gary Miller?

    Who was that guy he FIRED?

    Who was that idiot on the internet claiming (FALSEY) that it was the first net roots campaign. Some moron named Major Danby.

    Man I remember, he was heavyset, glasses that didn’t fit and were dirty, smelled HORRIBLE, wore a paid shirt and sears jeans with socks and sandals………..

    What…..Wait isn’t that a pseudonym that “Crazy” Greg Diamond used? Yep, ol’ Cocco Puff is not just a hypocrite, liar and experienced at LOSING, he is the champion at ruining congressional campaigns! Was that GREG DIAMOND????

    Wow how far we (HAVEN’T) come…….CooKoo….CooKoo.

  9. A Drunk, a Meth Dealer and an kitchen table lawyer walk in a bar…………

    “Hey everybody, the Orange Juice log is here”!

  10. Some basic facts:

    3/4 of the district is in San Diego, not Orange County.

    99,307 registered district voters live in the OC. Registration in OC is
    GOP: 46.5%
    Dem: 25.65%
    DTS: 22.79%
    AI: 3.1%
    Liberterian: < 1%

    So, GOP voters are more than 2:1 to Dem voters in OC.

    In 2012, Issa won by a 32.2% margin in OC.
    In 2014, Issa won by a 37.6% margin in OC.
    In 2016, Issa won by a 21% margin in OC.

    So, where Dan claims the loss is because Col. Applegate did not "tie things up in OC", he is either blatantly ignoring the pretty glaring statistics, both as to registration and actual performance, or simply hasn't bothered to do the analysis, which is worse.

    The district did not include OC prior to 2012.

    The San Diego section of the district is 3/4 of the registration, and includes Oceanside, Camp Pendleton, and adjacent cities with a heavy military and veteran presence and percentage.
    Registration in SD is as follows:

    GOP: 34.6%
    Dem: 32.87%
    DTS: 27.1%

    In 2012, Issa won by a 10.6% margin in SD.
    In 2014, Issa won by a 16.5% margin in SD.
    In 2016, Issa lost by a 6.1% margin in SD.

    In short, when Col. Applegate won San Diego by 6.1% in 2016,he swung the district vote by 22% from GOP to Dem. He is a Marine Colonel. There is a heavy Marine military presence in San Diego.

    Smart politics would be to rally behind Col. Applegate, recognizing his unique strengths and the performance against Issa, which was unprecedented. He is now a known name, and he has the unique profile to get crossover voters and DTS voter necessary to overcome the GOP dominated registration in the district.

    There is nothing to commend Mr. Levin over Applegate for this seat. There is nothing in his profile to suggest he has any unique qualifiers that allow him to perform better than the average past democratic candidate for the same seat from 2012 or 2014. Being an environmental lawyer will not do that. The comical reference to Mr. Levin being half-Latino is just that: comical. Seriously comical.

    Mr. Levin will try to use his Frank Barbaro and Steve Westly connections to strong arm early endorsements to and try to pressure prominent military associates to endorse him over Col. Applegate. Frankly, I think that will be resented and rejected. Certainly there may be a strong San Diego vs OC fight amongst the Dems if, and only if, Mr. Levin is able to tap into and call upon his "insider" favors within certain segments of the Democratic party base. However, there is little, if any, chance that either SD or the grassroots will side with Mr. Levin, or that Mr. Levin's past OC Dem work will provide traction in that fight. The extent to which Westly pushes Mr. Levin's agenda is questionable as well. What is certain, is that despite the fight and dirty slung by Issa, Col. Applegate crushed all prior democratic performances in the district and barely lost.

    In all of Dan's commentary, he fails to provide any actual rationale as to why the Dems should abandon Col. Applegate, who shocked the nation in coming within 6/10ths of a point of defeating Issa, in what was considered a relatively safe GOP seat, for a new, bland, untried generic candidate such as Mr. Levin. None. He cannot, as it is a fool's errand. Unfortunately, such foolish errands is exactly why the Democratic party waste precious money, resources, and political capital in entertaining Mr. Levin's ego in a primary fight. Not because Col. Applegate is a bad candidate, or that Mr. Levin offers anything unique to qualify him as a better suited candidate for the district, but because candidates like Mr. Levin simply have the right to run, but not the good sense not to.

    As for Ms. Rafei, she would burn precious political capital fomenting such a counter-productive battle. Should she do so with an ethical conflict of interest – such as taking Mr. Levin as a candidate to line her pockets while using her political capital to undermine the candidate who reduced the election gap from 16.4% in 2012 (last presidential election) and 21.3% in 2014 to 0.6% in 2016. She cannot come out the better using her influence in such a manner – except financially. Her recent ascension to the DNC would then sadly reinforce what many needed democratic and potentially democratic voters already believe – the DNC is a self serving organization that does not care much for anything but its own self-serving interests.

    And once again, Mr. Chmielewski cannot get through commentary challenging his position without calling the opposing commentator names such as "douchebag" "pendejo" and "drunk." Please, some civility.

    • DPOC officials indicated Applegate declined help in South County. Mr. Levin offers significant business experience in Green and clean technology — a huge market for good jobs at good wages.

      My civility extends to those who offer it in return. Mr. Nelson does not. He’s earned no respect and gets none from me.

  11. Mr. C.: I trust that you are referencing Mr. Nelson’s gratuitously obnoxious comment as the source of your harassment, and not anything I said. As for Mr. Vandemeir, I believe he would be a single officer, not multiple officers, and a former officer at that. He also reigned over the loss of the 34th, the loss of the Supervisor’s race, the loss of the 65th, failed to back Josh Newman (“can’t win”), failed to recognize the significance of District elections in Anaheim. Such a claim may have simply been a way of deflecting blame for another unfortunate loss – which given the numbers I provided above seem misplaced and in actuality a failure to see the tremendous performance Col. Applegate in actuality had in the OC section of the District.

    Mr. Nelson, your comments do nothing to enhance or advance your position, and fail to lend any credibility to your points. Perhaps you should consider acting with civility and perhaps Mr. C will do so as well.

    • Thanks for the sage advice Anton, but:

      1. I already made my points earlier, and don’t hope to ever change Dan’s mind about anything;

      2. It actually IS extremely rare that he will name one of his mysterious DPOC sources; and

      3. I don’t mind having an antagonistic relationship with him, in fact I enjoy it; even though we’re both Democrats there are enough issues we disagree on that it almost seems like we’re in different parties.

      Bright side – look at the vast spectrum of us who believe Applegate’s a better candidate than Levin!

        • So, Mr. C., as moderator, what is the actual contribution this type of comment brings to your blog?

          While your disdain for Mr. Nelson is obvious, how does this benefit discourse, unless this is the discourse you seek – which would make moderation unnecessary. If that is the discourse you desire (and I hope not), than perhaps “Making Orange County Great Again” might be a more appropriate slogan. Can’t civil discourse maintain a political blog in Orange County?

          • I don’t disagree with the assessment of that commenter. Though I believe Vern has re-registered as a Democrat. His blog (he and Greg) give considerable love to Republicans and Independents over Democrats. Its a fact and not hearsay.

          • If Anton cares (though the story’s getting old), it’s well known that I registered Republican in 2012 in order to vote for Ron Paul against Romney in the GOP Primary. I even wrote a pretty funny story about it, if you google Vern Nelson I Become a Republican.

            I changed back when I got around to it, two or three years later, but I never stopped voting Democrat about 90% of the time, and fighting for issues that Democrats SHOULD fight for.

            Tom Tait is one of the best, smartest, most honest and humane Republicans this county have, and I support him on many things, but have also criticized him on many things, as anyone who reads the blogs without wearing blinders will tell you. But I can throw together a list if needed.

            And I just checked my nose – no brown at all!

  12. You are correct. My comment was directed at Vern. Henry spoke publicly. Others lamented attempts to convince the Applegate did not succeed and that’s a tad more informal. The loss of the 34th and the loss of the Supervisors race isn’t Henry’s fault. There’s a big Republican machine in Lityle Saigon that’s very hard to beat, and if we’re lamenting how close Applegate came to winning, Michelle Martinez came close too.

    Nobody backed Josh Newman to win. At the party endorsement meeting, which he did not attend, he got 10 percent of the vote. Josh was the beneficiary of a vicious (and I’d say racist) campaign against Sukhee Kang. I’d glad the seat is Blue; Kang would have been a better senator in my opinion. On district elections in Anaheim, I honestly don’t know what Henry’s position was, but I don’t think he was against it.

    Henry left the party much better than he found it. It’s financially of its best footing in years and stronger than it was when he was elected. It’s great to read stories about Fran in the Register and disheartening to see comments from others who can never say a positive thing about Henry. He did a lot to move this party forward despite detractors who only wanted him to fail. I wish him well.

  13. I disagree that people wanted Mr. Vandemeir to fail. I believe that is the party line and possibly even actual belief of a certain faction of the Democratic activists in Orange County of which you are personally alligned.

    Granted, the party is in much better shape financially. I do not believe that is solely the result of Henry Vandemeir, although he certainly contributed to the growth by actually focusing on that aspect of managing the party. That aspect was largely neglected for years – including, ironically, the years during which Mr. Levin was Executive Director. So certainly, some props to Mr. Vandemeir are due here – just not all.

    Henry demonized those who differed from him on governance and vision for the party. Perhaps be took lessons on that from reading this blog, where such conduct is more often the rule than the exception, on both your behalf and the commenters. People on this blog seem more interested in taking offensive, cheap shots at each other, using vile, ugly and slanderous attacks, often ad hominem, rather than having anything close to a civil discourse. This is self defeating, and compromises the quality and credibility of the blog.

    Henry not infrequently exhibited pettiness and vengefulness instead of uniting leadership. Too often he acted like it was his party, not the Central Committee’s and not the people’s. To be sure, he inherited a philosophically divided party, but that was the job he signed up for. He wanted to take credit for all successes, whether he supported or tangibly contributed to those successes or not, while contributing the failures to this same group of people that you reference as his “detractors.” Rather than work collaboratively and finding common ground, he adopted a more authoritarian approach that sowed division and failed to recognize and attempt to lessen existing schisms and fractured relationships within the party, which is the true test of leadership. That is something Ms. Sdao seems to be taking head-on, much to her credit.

    • Certain people in the party certainly did want him to fail. All you had to do is attend meetings and watch the disrespect so thick, you could spread it with a knife.

      Thanks for acknowledging Henry’s leadership in getting the party’s fiscal house in order. That’s the chair’s job (one of them anyway) and not the job of the executive director. Frank had tight control of the bank account, so your attempt to blame Mike are both false and ignorant.

      Henry barely read this blog. He was on the busy side. As for Henry demonizing anyone is a laughable charge. Go back to what I said in paragraph one. Sore losers in 2013 were the problem, not Henry.

      As for commenters on this blog, with few exceptions, people can comment here. We have a few banned commenters. Several insult me regularly and anonymously. I allow it. Try that on OJ. That comment won’t see the light of day. It’s easy to spoof an IP address or have multiple commenters from the same coffee shop WiFi connection. Free speech is about permitting speech you don’t like. Vern often remarks how some commenter here ripped me a new one. I believe in free speech. I suggest you comment on OJ and Anaheim log and Voice of OC and offer the same lecture. Good luck with that.

      I try and write meaningful posts and stories I think need telling. I also post announcements from elected, candidates and organizations. I’m not going to worship Republicans and independents that folks like Greg or Vern do while trying – with a straight face — to call themselves good Democrats. For them, the DSA awaits.

      I disagree completely that Henry exhibited pettiness or vengefulness. See the OJ blog for that sort of thing. Henry did try to unite the party, but it is not a one person job especially when the schisms have no interest in doing so. I like Fran. I think she’s off to a good start. But she’s herding cats too.

      • Neither false, nor ignorant. I do not recall you to be particularly involved at the time, and you display an obvious lack of knowledge, information, understanding or memory (or combination of all) on the role Mike Levin played as Executive Director of the DPOC under Frank Barbaro. And I mean TOTAL.

        Ignorance is defined as “lack of knowledge or information.” You lack both on this subject. Link this with your lack of transparency pertaining to using your blog as a propaganda tool for select candidates, publication of falsehoods as “facts,” own vengefulness and pettiness as so often exhibited in your gratuitous remarks and personal attacks on this blog, and your own history of censoring posts leave little room for credibility for your blog. While one is entitled to opinions, and debate is the lifeblood or a sound democracy, you hew a line far closer to Breitbart in style than reputable news outlets.
        Finally, I find it remarkable that you appear almost constitutionally incapable of responding to a comment without including some discussion or comment about Vern Nelson, Greg Diamond or the Orange Juice Blog. It is like an almost pathological obsession.

        • I had to be particularly involved to know what was going on at the time? No. You just had to know how the Party was operating then. I did.

          I censor posts? When? I was very transparent about writing stories I think need telling. I advocate for certain candidates as does every political blog in OC.

          And since we’re on the subject of transparency, don’t lecture me about it while you hide behind a fake name with a fake Facebook profile. It makes you a hypocrite. I know who you are. I do. So cut the sermon minister and hand that stone for someone else to cast

    • “I disagree that people wanted Mr. Vandemeir to fail.”

      Clearly, this man knows nothing about Orange County Democratic politics.

  14. From what I read, this is asymmetrical warfare. Dan’s attacks on Nelson are far more personal, degrading, and based on gossip from years ago. Dan’s race baiting- meth dealer reference, among others- and lack of personal ethics have always caused me to believe he is deep Red plant. The click bait nature of even his most hopeless and far-fetched positions- Irvine boy makes good in Oceanside!- cause me to wish Art Pedroza were back in the fray. Dan and Art are cut from the same cloth.

    • Yeah, if I were more like Dan I’d be all “You must still be in a bad mood from your lapband surgery, and by the way how are you still so damn fat?” But I don’t…

    • No one forces you to read anything here. I’m a Democrat. I’m a liberal. I’m progressive. Depending on the issue, I’m in the middle to the far left. Let’s correct a mistake you made about Mike Levin. He’s from Lake Forrest. He lives in San Juan Capistrano. He doesn’t live in Irvine or Oceanside. If you’re trying to belittle a post I wrote a boy Mike, it helps to be accurate. Or you’re from the Vern Nelson School of Making Stuff Up. Tell you what, let Vern clear up any gossip. How many DUIs and how long was he a guest in what jail when? I’ll let him fill in the blanks. I’ve never been inside a police car.

  15. The most frightening interpretation of this article can be laterally illustrated in Vern’s COMPLETELY OFF BASE ARTICLE on the ICE raid at Christ Cathedral.

    Nice job spreading fear and anxiety. JUST SHUT UP.

  16. I am a part time resident of Carlsbad but vote in Santa Monica so I realize I am on somewhat thin ice here. All I can say to the above is my heart is with Col. Applegate but both he and Mike Levin are qualified candidates and obviously both are 1000% preferrable to Issa.

    So if they can’t work it out between them to narrow the Dem field then I say good luck to both and all those opposed to the Trump/Issa agenda should pledge to actively support whoever the wins the Democratic primary.

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