Since it’s a holiday week, a number of members of Congress are back in their home districts for private meetings and talk with community leaders. And a number of them are hiding from angry constituents like cowards. Take Congresswoman Mimi Walters in CD-45 — weekly protests at her office have resulted in closed doors and no answers from staff.
So stiff her staff has been so helpful, the DemOC PAC is making it easy for Mimi by scheduling a Town Hall for her tomorrow night. Here are the details:
- Host:
- Phone:
- When:
Wednesday, February 22 at 7:00 PM
- Where:
University Hills Community Center 1083 California Avenue Irvine, CA 92617
We’ve been invited to join University Hills residents to conduct a Town Hall. While Rep. Mimi Walters has been informed and specific issues and questions will be framed, we do not know if she will appear. Our aim is to create an opportunity for Walters to address our concerns and to shine a light on the need for our Rep to be available for a meaningful dialogue. Seating is limited. RSVP REQUIRED.
To reserve your stop, click here.
Ask Mimi why she voted to allow mentally ill people to have access to guns. Ask her about the GOP plan to replace ACA. Ask her why she’s backing Trump’s terrible cabinent picks. And ask her why she feels she only represents those who voted for her and not the entire district.
(Apologies readers for the lack of stories — my major business conference of the year was last week and I just didn’t have a lot of time to write what I wanted to)
Why should any member of Congress participate in a guaranteed disruptive town hall?
They should meet with constituents
Yes – they should meet with respectful non-agressive constituents.
They should meet only with sheeple. Snowflakes.
They should come with portable potties show your wife can eliminate her bodily wastes in privacy
I agree with “junior” on this one. Why would Walters even consider walking into a loaded meeting with whiners who only want to bitch and moan about President Trump. We won, you lost, get over it.
uh, because she represents *all of us*
Because she is a *REPRESENTATIVE.*
Even the ones that didn’t vote for her.
You’re not very bright, are you?
Gee junior, it’s a thing called DEMOCRACY son, your name is junior, Right??? .she works for the the people.. Dipshit… Don’t stress, though, she will be voted out soon enough .. the fact that she represents the right wing facists, (you and yours), is enough to disqualify her..AS OF YESTERDAY 3/22/17, FACT,,, …..MIMI WALTERS STANDS AGAINST Women’s rights, (you know junior, women have the right to vote now) you seem fairly ignorant, so a tiny history lesson for your tiny hmmm, brain… AGAINST equality for every American, AGAINST the disabled, AGAINST civil rights for all, including immigrants,,well gee,,,,AGAINST EVERYTHING CONSTITUTIONAL. She is “LOCKSTEP” with HER inept below average intelligence, imbecile, Groper in Chief leader, tRump, and his criminal cronie, KKKLan Pepe’s, Nazi sympathizing, women disparaging racists. And HA, his repeal bullshit that Mimi is all for, will never pass the Senate.. Mimi, let the door hit you,on the ass, on your way out,,.Wave your flag HEIL!!! And Vern, you and junior stay busy now, with your cross burning and all…