This came in to our mailbox this morning:
I endorse sticking to our principles…
We must face forward into the storm — not turn the cheek to get the check. We cannot afford to accept pay-to-play. High dollar donors are welcome when they share our values, because true progressives’ principles are never for sale.
I endorse working with our allies… I am one of the tens of millions of people worldwide who came into the sunlight, rain, snow and wind to say NO to Tyranny and YES to Intersectional Collective Action.
I endorse standing up to those who aim to silence us… This means NOT “picking our battles” but engaging in every battle – we don’t want to go along to get along.
This means demanding that the Democrats we have elected to the House and Senate act as our front line against the onslaught of regressive and oppressive policies coming out of the White House — not vote our Constitution away.
I endorse a fair playing field for all Democratic candidates… This means that our next DNC chair must create a home for ALL Democratic candidates and not put his or her thumb on the scale to promote the insider over the outsider… the tried and true over the new, less known and underrepresented.
The California Democratic Party can be and should be the loudest voice insisting that our elected Democrats adhere to the highest standards and fight back with the strongest weapons in our arsenal:
I will fight EVERY battle, and fight side-by-side with you for every possible victory, no matter the odds.
These perilous times require leaders who are not afraid to fight, not afraid to offend… unmoveable on principle as a Tennessee mule — and I’m originally from Tennessee, so I can say that.