Anaheim City Council Poised to Give Tait’s Aide an $87K Raise

Mishal Montgomery, a council aide for Anaheim Mayor Tom Tait, is about to more than double her pay from $62,498 for part-time work (including pension and benefits) to about $158,000 annually, which includes pension and benefits for adding enough additional hours a week to make her position full time instead of part-time.

You can read more about it here Anaheim Staff Report12365.

The measure before the council changes rules on part-time employees when it is really only for the benefit on one person — Tait’s aide.

From the staff report:

At the December 20, 2016 City Council Meeting, Council Member Barnes requested staff create a full-time classification to provide administrative support to the City of Anaheim Mayor.  Therefore, staff recommends the creation of a “Chief Policy Advisor to the Mayor” classification at salary range XCR10.   This classification will be assigned to the Professional Management Unit.  The recommended salary range recognizes the required depth of experience and administrative support that this classification provides.  Additionally, incumbents in this classification are appointed “at-will” with no property rights to continued employment.  Each appointment to this classification is for a limited term basis aligned with the election term of the Mayor and shall not extend past the end of the Mayor’s appointing election term.  After City Council approval, the City Manager intends to reclassify the incumbent to the new classification effective December 30, 2016.

When Tait is termed out, the rumor mill at Anaheim City Hall says that support from Tait for his successor as Mayor is tied to continuing Mongomery’s appointment at her new inflated compensation.

In 2010, Montgomery’s total pay — including pension, overtime and benefits — was $79,624.  All for part-time work.

In 2011, it was $87,123. Still part-time.

In 2012, $86,365.  Still part-time.

In 2013, it was cut to $43,987; still part-time. The difference in pay was routed to a computer training problem for Latino families in the Ponderosa neighborhood of Anaheim.

In 2014, it was $59,334 which included overtime for part-time work.

In 2015, she made $62,498, and was still part-time.  All compensation records are public and her title was Budget Analyst II.

For a Mayor and a Council majority so against to cronyism, doubling the pay of a part-time employee loyal to the Mayor is the very definition of cronyism.  But its different when Tait does it.

If approved, Montgomery’s new job will be the first and only new job created in Anaheim by the new council majority which seemingly has no plans to actually create jobs in a city that really needs them,

(photo courtesy of AnaheimBlog)



  1. Yeah, I loved this: “If you want to slam people, I need to know who you are.” What a piece of work that guy is.


    No Greg, you need to get a life.

  2. Oops. She’s going to make even more money and its23% over the going rate. Tait majority can never complain about cronyism ever again

    • Your next concert should be rad when recovered from your wife beatings. You didn’t take her to the women’s march.

      You’ve been out of sight since Cynthia scolded you from daring to ask Tom to have a special meeting on the camping ban. Who do you think you are? When is the next meeting to discuss the homeless, in the summer?

      • Ventriquolist, I proudly led the Anna Drive contingent at the march , check my social media. You’re jealous that I have more followers than you. I’ll be playing for Misha and the new council majority this weekend, Anaheim is now a kinder and welcoming city! I’m working on a CD for the homeless, my music will lift their spirits and raise awareness of their plight.

          • Busted? IP addresses phobia is the common ground between you and Diamond. Thanks for letting me know the lyra loser frequents this coffee shop in Brea. I have more competition for coffee stained copies of the Register. What a bummer!

            Talk to you later after the concert. I don’t have to pay today , at the last one nobody was there. I’ll be rubbing elbows with compassionate republicans, not mean ones like your friend Matt.

  3. Congressman Correa had a GREAT reception at Phillips Hall tonight.

    Lot’s of Democrats on hand, Lot’s of Latino support.

    Great comments. Funny I didn’t see Vern, Donna, Greg, Jeff or Henry “Paul” Lipton.

    They must have been in Anaheim Hills at the Tait’s Friday night Dinner party ( I hope Greg wore closed toe shoes/sandals).

    • It is omega time, and if you’re real, run for the Anaheim Dem club, a DINO was appointed as secretary.

  4. Lou’s timing for the immigration awareness event couldn’t be better. It’s really needed. Too bad others in OC aren’t willing to stand up for immigrant families here

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