Women’s March on Washington ORANGE COUNTY coming up this Saturday 1/21:
§ DEMOC PAC Meeting Place at the March is: Gonzalez Market – 409 E 4th Street, Santa Ana…meet on the corner. Look for our long banner “DEMOC PAC”, blue & white umbrellas, blue t-shirts with the official March logo, and lots of blue signs.
§ Transportation to March: We strongly recommend carpooling or Uber/Lyft pooling. Our main central meeting point to carpool and uber-pool will be 2 Civic Center Plaza in Irvine at the parking lot behind the Irvine Child Development Center, which is across from the City Hall. Please be there at 7:45 am, departure by 8:00 am so that we can at the March meeting point by 8:30 in Santa Ana. Feel free to organize car/uber pools from other places nearer to your home.
§ Parking Directions: forthcoming
§ Time: March is expected to begin at 9 am, go for 1-2 miles, end by 11 am, at which point there will be speeches. Event is expected to end by 12 noon.
§ Lunch/Get together: Meet with fellow marchers for no-host lunch in Irvine at Stonefire Grill, 3966 Barranca Parkway (Crossroads Center – Barranca at Culver), Irvine. (This is near 2 Civic Center Plaza)
§ Shirts: We have shirts. We are sorry to say that no new shirt orders are possible. For those of you who have already ordered, pick up your shirt Friday afternoon after 3 pm from Lita Robinow at 6 Brisbane Way Irvine. (Near Michelson and Culver intersection) (714) 293-2181, or Saturday morning at the March.
§ Be Prepared for Rain – Bring umbrellas, raincoats, whatever you need. It is likely to rain. Don’t stay away but stay dry! We will have a great day but let’s try to make it a dry day!
Actually, people are gathering at 9am, welcome at 9:30, march begins at 10am. March is 1.1 miles. There will be more speakers and music afterwards, and the event will most probably be over by 12:30. More info: http://www.ocwomensmarch.org
That’s what was sent to me this morning
Sounds like Irvine marchers are gonna be sitting and twiddling their thumbs for a while!
you drunk POS you know nothing
IP address suggests you are not Paul Lucas. Find a different name
So what? They’ll be there.
Trump’s victory is having an interesting effect. Even some GOP representatives are feeling the push back resulting from the possibility of repealing the ACA.
This is vaguely reminiscent of what happened after Pete Wilson won in 1994. The GOP has been in decline ever since.
From your lips to God’s ears, Elroy.
This from the guy who props up Republicans like Tait, Barnes, Zenger, Vanderbilt? Practice what you preach Mr. “Democrat”
If the GOP consisted, even mostly, of people like those four, our country would be in good shape. And I’d still be a Democrat. (Or maybe a green.)
I’m not even sure if Zenger is still a Republican.
Are you sure you’re not drunk?
Keep telling me what a great Democrat you are while you shill for the right. Blowhard
“Keep telling YOU?” I’m mostly not talking to YOU when I come over here. I’m showing the rest of the county what a real Democrat, what a real liberal, talks and thinks like.
Almost all real Democrats don’t know what the inside of a jail cell looks like — you and Paul Lucas being an exception to the rule. Jerk
“Jerk,” he adds, through tears.
I just heard about Greg’s comments regarding Melahat Rafiei and her kids, marital status and PERSONAL LIFE.
For a guy that champions “progressive” ideals, he is a loose
FU&^ing cannon. This guy needs to be slapped down, if Jeff doesn’t speak out he is EVERYBIT divisive as his “CRAZY” brother in law.
I Guess we’ll see.
Melahat has one kid. She’s a fantastic mother
Take it down, Dan. I haven’t made any recent comments about Melahat at all recently, nor do I think I have ever made any derogatory comments about her child or her marital status, nor would I.
You had the chance to ask this pseudonymous serial liar for some sort of link as proof — and you missed it.
That you let your blog be used to spread lies for your political gain is — oh, what’s the right word? — “deplorable.”
Greg — You’ve written a number of nasty things about Melahat over the years as well as clients she represents. I don’t find it a stretch at all for you to extend your professional dislike of her to her personal life. The exception to your smear is Melahat’s exceptional work on Josh Newman’s campaign because without her, he would have lost.
That I “let your blog be used to spread lies for your political gain…” hmm, I suggest you read the comments of your own blog sir. Per Paul Lucas, I’m somehow a Curt Pringle supporter. Per Dave Zenger, I assault wheelchair bound people at bootcamp. Richardo suggests I’m friends with the devil himself. I have never asked for takedown notices of either comments because they are absurd. They actually make me laugh. You delight in insulting anyone you can and demonstrate a complete inability to take what you dish out in return. Try not to be a hypocrite — and do grow a thicker skin.
I am posting your comment and frequent take down notices to show what a Trump-like whiner you are. Sad!
P!ss Off Nut Job.
For your information I did not reference where or when you said this, I did NOT say your comments were “derogatory”, you are a PRESUMPTUOUS FOOL.
No make that a PARANOID FOOL. So now I am anonymous again, after you claimed I was a GOP operative. Make up your mind Cocco Puff.
I would say “deplorable” is calling Jose Solorio’s Mother a “BITCH”, accusing Congressman Correa of “CAUSING PEOPLES DEATHS”, calling the party chairman a “Liar and a cheat” or most recently disparaging the close friends and allies of the newly elected chair.
This guy is a desperate soul
Does anyone remember the Monsanto ride at Disneyland? You are getting smaller, smaller….This is the definition of sandbox politics. All a bunch of sad clowns.
If OUR blog was anything like this pit, I would say, “Touché, sir.”
Can we please elevate this conversation, please. We have work to do, people! #ResistTrump