We’re not making predictions

democratic donkey

If you’re here because you think we have a crystal ball about how the elections — especially the close ones — will turn out, we leave that to those counting the votes.  Go to www.ocvote.com for the latest updates.

As an Orange County Democrat, there is a lot to be thankful about.  And a lot to be ticked off about.  The Party is making significant progress turning the county Blue but there’s still a long way to go.  Do not surrender and don’t give up the fight.

Time remains on our side.


  1. We’re still here.

    Now that they have won, their candidate has to produce.

    He has majorities in both the House and Senate.

    There is no excuse.

  2. “As an Orange County Democrat, there is a lot to be thankful about.”

    Well said, Dan. While the national picture didn’t turn out as hoped, the county picture was truly a revelation. I never thought I’d see the day this county went blue for the presidency. Truly inspiring. However, there is obviously a lot to do nationally.

  3. Irvine should be interesting. Wagner and Shea both ran on slow growth yet their campaigns were funded by big developer five point. Let us see how they vote on development in the future. I will be watching closely.

  4. Dan –

    Any idea on the average number of Provisional Ballots that have been deemed valid in previous OC Elections?

    Also, any idea on the percentage of OC provisional ballots that originated from Anaheim in previous elections?

    In a Voice of OC article, Dr. Moreno is quoted with estimating that 11,000 to 12,000 voters casts ballots in District 3. As of yesterday, 10,399 votes were counted.

    There are only 37322 vote by mail ballots left to count for the 1668 precincts. However, there are something like 103,000 Provisional ballots left.


  5. i wil make a prediction if Josh Newman wins the state senate beat, he hires Greg Diamond for his staff. newman is already writing checks to one familt member.

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