No Endorsement for President by OC Register Demonstrates Lack of Courage

Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005
Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005
Hillary Clinton in OC in 2005

The Libertarian leanings of the Orange County Register’s opinion pages could not overcome the awfulness of a Donald Trump endorsement, so instead of making a courageous choice and endorsing Secretary Hillary Clinton, the Register offered no endorsement for president.

Read the editorial here.

The make up of the rest of the Register opinion columnists take dead aim at Clinton while there’s a constant search and advisory posts for how the GOP can save itself (spoiler: being more conservative won’t do it).

The Register did endorse a small share of Democrats namely Loretta Sanchez for Senate, Linda Sanchez/Lou Correa/Alan Lowenthal for Congress, as well as Tom Daly for Assembly.  And there are downright awful endorsements too:  Young Kim, Steven Choi, Travis Allen and Matt Harper for Assembly.  And don’t get me started on the Register’s piss-poor attention to Democrats running for city council races and Mayor.

I was hoping the Register would grow a pair and back Clinton while expecting them to join the Las Vegas Review-Journal and Jacksonsville Times Union as the only large daily newspapers to back Trump.  Their non endorsement is really an endorsement for Trump….they just don’t want to admit it.