DPOC Chair: Irvine’s *Real* Education Team

Henry Vandermeir addresses the DPOC Central Committee during officer elections January 14, 2013. (Photo: Lou Delgado)
Henry Vandermeir addresses the DPOC Central Committee during officer elections January 14, 2013. (Photo: Lou Delgado)
Henry Vandermeir addresses the DPOC Central Committee during officer elections January 14, 2013. (Photo: Lou Delgado)

You may have seen political signs in Irvine claiming that the Republican slate of Wagner, Shea and Kuo is Irvine’s “Education Team.”  Nothing could be further from the truth!

Republican candidate for Mayor Donald Wagner once forced Irvine Valley College to cut its ties to the American Library Association, contending that the organization, which had just honored First Lady Laura Bush, was a group of “liberal busybodies.”

In the state assembly, Wagner received failing grades from the California Federation of Teachers, the California School Employees Association, and the California Teachers Association. In fact, his grades of 35% from the California Federation of Teachers and 50% from the California Teachers Association and were among the lowest of any California legislator.

In addition, Wagner has shown no concern for Irvine’s public schools or its students. As the Orange County Register has reported, “Compared to unified districts across the nation, Irvine Unified – with more than 32,000 students enrolled – gets nearly $5,000 less per student; unified districts statewide, on average, get roughly $1,500 more than Irvine Unified does per student.”  During his years in the legislature, Wagner did absolutely nothing to improve state funding for Irvine’s schools.

Similarly, Republican City Council candidates Christina Shea and Anthony Kuo have shown no record of support for our schools.  Measure BB, a voter-approved initative setting aside millions of city dollars to help our schools during the Recession, was initially opposed by all the Republican members of the City Council.

In contrast, each of our Democratic candidates are strong supporters of public education. Democratic candidate for Irvine Mayor Mary Ann Gaido, who worked to pass Measure BB, has pledged when elected to work closely with our school districts to increase funding and safety at our public schools

Democratic candidates for Irvine City Council Farrah Khan and Melissa Fox have also shown their dedication to Irvine’s schools

Farrah Khan served on the PTA Board at the Elementary and Middle School level.  She served as PTA President for 3 terms at her sons’ elementary school, served on the PTA Board at the Middle School and is currently serving on the School Site Council at the High School.  She and her husband are also Legacy Partners with the Irvine Public School Foundation. 

Melissa Fox served on the Board of both the wrestling and the football boosters at Beckman High School and recently worked with IUSD’s Parent Teacher Association (PTA), the Irvine Teachers Association, and the California School Employees Association to pass Measure E, which ensures that all IUSD schools meet the same safety and academic standards as new schools and that all students have equal access to 21st-century educational facilities, keeping Irvine’s world-class schools among the best in California and the nation.

Vote for the real Irvine Education Team:

Vote for Democrats Mary Ann Gaido for Mayor and Farrah Khan and Melissa Fox for Irvine City Council.


Henry Vandermeir

Chair, Democratic Party of Orange County