Irvine, CA — In a desperate last minute attempt to alter the outcome of the Irvine City Council Elections, special interest and conservative funded Super PAC, California Homeowners Association PAC, has spent more than $49,000 in negative mailers in an attempted smear campaign against Farrah N. Khan’s candidacy for Irvine City Council. The mailers mischaracterize events, make misleading allegations, forged her signature on fake documents, falsely claim her family broke the law, used sexist language, and attacks her Islamic faith.
“This a disgusting smear campaign that’s using Donald Trump style sexists attacks on Mrs. Khan by calling her ‘Gross’ and stoking Islamophobic fears by falsely claiming she is a ‘radical muslim’,” said Cassius Rutherford, Khan Campaign Aide.
“Mrs. Khan is a mother, business woman and interfaith leader that did nothing to deserve this type of ugly hate mongering political mailers.” Numerous community members were outraged and condemned the attacks on Mrs. Khan and her family:
“It is unconscionable that race, religion, ethnicity, gender or national origin be injected into election campaign. Such hate must have no place in American political life. May all people of good will band together in opposition to the prejudice that has been introduced into the Irvine City Council election.” -Rabbi Stephen Einstein
“We stand with you. Racism and religious intolerance are the common weapons used in political campaigns. But you are no common candidate. You are the reflection of nobility, honor and love. We are together.” – Rev. Mark Whitlock
“You do not deserve the criticism and it makes me sick to see that state our country is falling into. The hatred makes my heart hurt. Please know you are in my heart and my prayers.” -Rev Karen Stoyanoff, Newport Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council
“I’m so sorry that you are being subjected to this. With the current political climate, I am not too surprised, only disappointed. Keep on fighting the good fight!” – Rev. Sian Wiltshire “I am so sorry for this. I am behind you.” – Tom Thorkelson, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
“I can’t believe the new low to which our campaign rhetoric has sunk these days – and now this! I thought we were moving forward with interfaith respect and understanding here in OC. In the meantime, I hope these efforts create some sort of backlash, and you get more votes than ever!” -Margaret Henke, OC Interfaith Coalition for the Environment “I am greatly saddened by this turn of events. You and I have worked together over the last several years along with our fellow members of the Orange County Interfaith Network to combat just this sort of ignorance, hate and bullying.” – Mike Penn, OC Interfaith Network
Farrah N. Khan had the following to say about the negative mailers: “Attacking my family and my faith are out of bounds, this is not representative of the Irvine I know and love,” said Farrah N. Khan. “These negative mailers will not bully me, nor will the community of Irvine stand by quietly as wealthy developers try to rig our local elections.” According to public records from the California Secretary of State’s Office, the California Homeowners Association PAC has recently taken contributions from the following entities:
- $250,000 from “Friends of the Great Park PAC”
- $20,000 from the “California Apartment Association PAC”
- $200,000 from “Friends of the Great Park PAC”
- $50,000 from Irvine based “WWP Westside Gateway Owner”
- $49,000 from Irvine based “Starpoint Ventures”
- $8,000 from Mimi Walters for Congress Campaign
- $5,000 from Pat Bates for Senate Campaign
Secretary of State Records for the California Homeowners Association PAC, can be viewed here:
The largest donor, Friends of the Great Park PAC, has taken tens of thousands of dollars in contributions from Orange County developers and contractors, like Starpoint Ventures, Villa San Clemente LLC, General Parters Inc, Heritage Fields El Toro LLC and Lyon Management Group among dozens of other entities.
Secretary of State Records for the Friends of the Great Park PAC, can be viewed here:
Farrah N. Khan is a leading candidate for the Irvine City Council election on the November 8, 2016 General Election Ballot.
Mrs. Khan is the Executive Director of the Newport Irvine Mesa Interfaith Council, former Irvine Community Services Commissioner, retired biotechnology executive, and small business owner in Irvine.
She has been endorsed by Former Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang, State Controller Betty Yee, Congressman Alan Lowenthal, Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, Progressive Change Campaign Committee’s (PCCC) 2016 Power List, Democratic Party of Orange County and the California Democratic Party.
To learn more about her campaign visit:
Sad to see the dark side of politics show up at the local level. Good luck to all the candidates who are running a clean campaign. From the large field of Irvine City Council candidates, I hope those associated with dark money are not elected.
The attacks on Farrah N. Khan based on her religious beliefs and ethnicity are despicable and should be denounced by all residents of Irvine, especially all other candidates, and I condemn them without reservation. Irvine is blessed to be among the most diverse and fully integrated cities in the nation. There are no ethnic, linguistic, religious, or cultural enclaves in Irvine: every neighborhood reflects Irvine’s harmonious ethnic, linguistic, religious, and cultural diversity. That is the Irvine I love. Those responsible for these ugly attacks on Farrah based on her religion and ethnicity are adverse to what makes Irvine such a wonderful place to live, work and raise a family. They should be ashamed of themselves.
Thanks for commenting on this Melissa.