Irvine Community Services Commissioner and City Council candidate Melissa Fox today announced an endorsement from Irvine Councilwoman Lynn Schott. This is a major endorsement from a sitting Council Member and gives the Fox campaign huge momentum going into the final month of the campaign.
“Melissa Fox is committed to keeping Irvine a great place to live, work and raise a family,” Councilwoman Schott said. “As a Community Services Commissioner, Melissa has proven to be fiscally responsible and concerned about protecting our tax dollars and quality of life in Irvine. I am proud to endorse Melissa Fox’s campaign for City Council and I hope you will join me in voting for her on November 8th.”
Council Member Lynn Schott was the top vote-getter in the 2014 city council elections and is a 29-year resident of Irvine. She has long been a champion of fiscal responsibility in the city and has a record of service to her community, as well as proven leadership on policy issues important to Irvine residents.
“Council Member Lynn Schott’s endorsement gives me great hope for the future of Irvine, a future of working together in the best interests of the community.” Fox said in response. “I look forward to working closely with her on fixing Irvine’s traffic congestion and creating real transportation solutions for Irvine.”
Melissa Fox is an Irvine Community Services Commissioner, attorney, and small business owner in Irvine. To learn more about her campaign visit http://www.votemelissafox.com
WOW!! This is shocking news. Good for you Lynn Schott for doing the right thing for the City.
Love to see Lynn Schott’s endorsement for Melissa Fox , the best person for the job. Reaching across party lines!
I’ve met Melissa – very nice and bright lady – I approve.
My impression is Lynn Schott is credible. I’ve spoken with her at length, she has deep experience in the community, understands what it takes to be effective on the Council. Because of Lynn’s endorsement, I will now take a serious look at Fox.
she’s a lightweight on the council but isn’t for sale; FivePoint can’t buy her and that’s good
After working in two campaigns to get Lynn Schott elected, I have to admit, I was completely fooled by her” Jeckel-Hyde” personality. Immediately after her election Schott turned on Christina Shea, who had also worked hard to help her get elected. When I tried to mediate the dispute, Schott told me, “never mention Shea’s name again” and that I had to choose between the two of them. Schott, then aligned herself with “Bully Boy” Jeff Lalloway who has also proven to be a disgrace to the City Council. Lalloway’s public temper tantrums on how he was going to destroy Steven Choi and Christina Shea continue even today. His failing to show up for votes on issues he doesn’t support are also a disgrace. Lalloway clearly wants total control of the Council and my instincts suggests he shoved Lynn Schott into the forefront getting her to endorse Melissa Foxx. They most likely proposed some sort of quid pro quo, where Fox will support Lalloway in taking control of the Council. I hope that Melissa Fox knows that she has made a deal with the “Devil?” Additionally, Schott was most likely not informed by Lalloway that her actions in endorsing a Democrat will result in the Republican Party never supporting her again for any office. Nope, Lynn Schott is not credible, has never been a team player and will be a one term Council Member.
Few things could be more indicative of the positive effect of Lynn Schott’s endorsement of Melissa Fox than this semi-literate screed from Fat Pat Rodgers (Ltpar).
A racist, a bigot, an anti-gay bully, a neanderthal and a continuing embarrassment to the City of Irvine (although he now lives in the colder and much whiter boondocks of Colorado), Fat Pat is an example of all that is wrong with the ultra-partisan gridlock of recent Irvine politics. Glad to have him on the other side.
Lynn Schott is a far better, braver and more principled person than Fat Pat has ever been or will ever be.
John, shouldn’t you be out at South Coast Plaza trolling instead of spouting bullshit on the internet. By the way you liberal ass hole, I take great pride in being on the other side and part of the “Deplorables,”soon to be the winning side after Donald Trump is elected.
I’m sure and. Shea agrees with your every word Pat. #IrvineDeplorables
I seriously doubt it Dan. Christina Shea is too nice a person to even think the things I do, much less say them. I believe in calling an Ace an Ace and a Spade a Spade. I speak only for myself and always have.
She has never once apologized for her role in Irvine’s Value Coalition. A platform of ignorance and hate
stultus enim se loquatur
Hey Fat Pat (Ltpar) — you’re the troll around here. This is the Liberal OC, not the racist, bigoted, homophobic, semi-illiterate, paranoid OC.
Care to make a wager on the outcome
So Pat, you’re familiar with all gay trolling places in OC? Who knew?
Dan, a lot of people knew, especially those who ended up in handcuffs. I used to work those places back in the old days, arresting perverts. Have to admit though, it was the worst job I ever had as a Cop, but somebody had to do it. Hey, John…..did we ever meet at Kona Lanes?
I am in agreement,as a matter of fact,this year I am only voting for Trump endorsers. That lets the Senate go and there will be many blank areas on my ballot this year for the first time. If you hate Donald,then I hate you!! I despise the Democrat party,but I am so through with The Republican Party. Go Trump !!!
Perverts? Really Pat.