Dr. Sue Savary, Candidate for 48th Congressional District, Spoke at Newport Beach Town Hall Debate; Dana’s a No-Show


Sue Savary

Dr. Sue Savary, Candidate for U.S. Congress in the 48th District, debated Rep. Dana Rohrabacher at a town hall meeting on October 3 hosted by Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary at the Bay Back Bistro.

The topics covered included: the future of aerospace and the impact on Orange County jobs, storage of nuclear waste at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, equal pay for equal work for women, affordable college education and reduction of student debt, noise levels at John Wayne Airport; funding for the repair and replacement of Balboa Island’s seawall, climate change, and which presidential candidate they supported.

Dr. Savary said: “The Newport Beach Sunrise Rotary did a wonderful job of organizing and hosting the event and I appreciate the opportunity to meet with people who are concerned about these issues. Our current congressman has been contacted repeatedly by community members to act on these situations, but he has done little to nothing.  We need to get moving forward to solve critical issues in our community.  We can do so much better, and we will, when I am elected.”

For more information, contact: Patricia Humphreys at 949 610-3497 or pahumphreys221@gmail.com

For more information on Dr. Sue Savary, visit drsuesavary.com