Garden Grove, Calif. – Kim Bernice Nguyen dominated in fundraising for the reporting period from July 1 – September 24. With the report filed with the Garden Grove City Clerk, Kim is reporting well over $12,000 with many fundraising pledges yet to come in.
With the late start, Kim has forged ahead and raised an impressive $12,310, outraising her competitor by nearly $5,500. In addition, Kim has pulled to a virtual tie with total money raised in comparison to her opponent, who announced last January. Despite the late start to her campaign, Kim has clearly dominated this reporting cycle and continues to raise money as her message of bring a fresh new perspective to the Garden Grove City Council resonates with voters. Much of her money has come from friends, co-workers and family, people who know her best and believe she is the best candidate to represent District 6.
Kim also leads when it comes to cash on hand going into the crucial final weeks of the campaign, reporting nearly $6,000 cash on hand. This crucial fundraising advantage gives Kim the momentum in the final weeks to get her message out and reach as many voters as she can.
“I am amazed at the generosity and support I have received from my supporters,” said Kim. “While this is an encouraging start, our work is far from finished. Financial support for my campaign is crucial in the coming weeks in order to effectively reach every voter with my message.”
Kim’s dominating fundraising numbers caps off a fantastic month. Her campaign clearly has the momentum and the strong support from community leaders and organizations demonstrates this. Her support includes:
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez
Former State Senator Lou Correa
Assemblyman Tom Daly
Garden Grove City Councilman Kris Beard
Westminster School Board President Jamison Power
Coastline Community College Trustee and Former Congressman Jerry Patterson
Rancho Santiago Community College Trustee Larry Labrado
Garden Grove Firefighters
Garden Grove Police Association
Orange County Labor Federation
UA Local 582: Plumbers, Steamfitters
Operating Engineers Local 12
Women In Leadership (partial List)
For more information, please visit www.kimnguyen2016.com
To think Rickk sued the city in order to run unopposed in a district. He was told the fix was in. As Gomer Pyle once said, “surprise, surprise.”