Congressional Candidate Sue Savary Reacts to Letters in OC Register and LA Times’ Daily Pilot that Reveal Rep. Rohrabacher is the Kremlin’s Congressman

Crazy Dana Rohrabacher - Photo Credit: Jack Gould / OC Weekly
Crazy Dana Rohrabacher - Photo Credit: Jack Gould / OC Weekly
Crazy Dana Rohrabacher – Photo Credit: Jack Gould / OC Weekly

Dr. Suzanne Savary, Candidate for U.S. Congress in the 48th District, wants further investigation into Rep. Rohrabacher’s support of ex-communist spy Vladimir Putin’s dangerous Russian regime based on letters in the June 30 (“The Kremlin’s Congressman”) and September 4 (“The Congressman of the Kremlin”) Orange County Register and in the September 2 (“Congressman’s Support for Putin’s Russia Puzzles”) LA Times’ Daily Pilot.

Savary wants to at least know who pays for his travel to Russia, and she seeks answers to the following crucial questions: is his support of Putin undermining U.S. foreign policy, is he getting financial support from Putin, and is he sharing sensitive U.S. information with Putin or his Russian operatives?

The current congressman for the 48th District, Dana Rohrabacher, has been called “The Kremlin’s Congressman” by longtime conservative magazine Commentary in April.  Rohrabacher has earned this title by bashing NATO in support of Putin, condoning Putin’s annexation of Crimea, and supporting the annexation of Azerbaijan.  He has done this even though Putin continues aggression throughout the world, including support of Assad in Syria.

Savary will be discussing this issue and others at her October 8 campaign event.

Longtime Balboa Island homeowners and concerned citizens will be hosting this event to introduce the community to the U. S. congressional candidate that will fight for our district.

The event is on Saturday, October 8 from 4 – 6 p.m. on the Bayfront on Balboa Island. RSVP to her campaign staff member below for the exact location, making donations or other information.

For more information, contact: Patricia Humphreys at 949 610-3497 or

For more information on Dr. Sue Savary, visit


  1. The good doctor wants an investigation based on what letters? – letters to the editor …. or what?? – no links …

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