After 111 years, the Register will move its headquarters and editorial offices to Anaheim, just south of Angels Stadium off the 57 freeway. The paper will continue to be published in Santa Ana but will eventually be printed at the chain’s press based in Riverside County.
Here’s some details from the Register itself:
“The Register’s new business office will have a modern environment that inspires creative thinking and innovation,” said Hasse, who also is president of Digital First Media’s Southern California News Group. “We will be located in an area within Anaheim that continues to emerge as a hub of commerce and entertainment. The new space will include technological and communications improvements, and a work environment that better reflects the culture of our organization.”
The newspaper, which began as the Santa Ana Register, originally was based at Fourth and French streets. In 1939, it moved to Sycamore and 6th Street. In 1957, the Register moved to what has become its headquarters on Grand Avenue with its signature five-story building and parking structure, which opened in 1986.
“While the Register is proud of its 111-year history that originated in Santa Ana, we also look forward to our future in Anaheim,” Hasse said.
So what else will change besides the address? Nothing. The Register will still be a safe haven for Republican/Conservative/Libertarian thought especially on the editorial pages. There will be the occasional lefty column but that’s more like a double-yolk in your dozen eggs every so often.
Congratulations to Anaheim on the score and this should be a lesson to the city of Santa Ana that its time to reform the city’s business tax to something simple.
What does the Register’s move have to do with “business tax”? The city would collect much more business tax with Harrah’s proposed development.
only if Harrah lines up tenants….
Paul Lucas is likely a driving force for relocation. It’s closer to his dealer.