Word Play over Bruce Bauer Santa Ana Teacher Support; Dualing Press Releases

Bruce Bauer
Bruce Bauer
Bruce Bauer

Bruce Bauer, a Planning Commissioner in Santa Ana and a candidate for SAUSD Trustee, ran a ballot statement announcing support for his candidacy from Santa Ana Teachers which drew the ire of the Santa Ana Teacher’s Union – SAEA.  It’s dueling press releases were one needs to pay attention to language.

So here are two press releases from both camps addressing the issue; with a coin flip, the Teacher’s Union press release first with Bauer’s response next.  Both are accurate.  Let the voter decide which matters more.


Santa Ana, CA — Attorney and Santa Ana School Board candidate Bruce Bauer was caught misleading voters on his candidate statement, according to a judge’s ruling earlier this week. Bauer claimed in his candidate statement (which is sent to every registered voter in the district in a sample ballot) that he was endorsed by “Santa Ana Teachers.” The union that represents Santa teachers, the Santa Ana Educators’ Association (SAEA), disagreed with this statement and took this issue to Judge David Chaffee.

“We take any false attempt to use our organization or the names of our teachers very seriously,” stated SAEA President Barbara Pearson. “We want to make sure that Santa Ana voters know we have not endorsed Mr. Bauer. We applaud the impartial judge’s decision and are happy that the record has been corrected: Mr. Bauer was required to remove the name of our organization from his candidate statement.”

The Santa Ana Educators’ Association, in a historic agreement with the California School Employees Association, announced its endorsed candidates in a press release on July 29th. The endorsed candidates are: Dr. Alfonso Alvarez, Mark McLoughlin, and Dr. Rigo Rodriguez.

“We conducted a very rigorous endorsement process,” Pearson concluded. “We believe that Dr Alvarez, Mr. McLoughlin, and Dr. Rodriguez are the best candidates to represent teachers and students in our district and each candidate fills a specific need on our board. We will continue to stand by our endorsements in this election and encourage voters to trust their teachers. We want the best for students.”

And here is Bauer’s press release:


Santa Ana, CA — The Communications Workers of America (CWA), Local 9510, is pleased to announce that it has endorsed Bruce Bauer for Santa Ana Unified School Board.

CWA, Local 9510, represents, in part, the hard working substitute teachers in the Santa Ana Unified School District, so it is true that Bruce Bauer has been endorsed by numerous “Santa Ana Teachers.”

“Bruce Bauer is eminently qualified for this position and carries a wealth of experience and knowledge that will benefit the students of Santa Ana. The students and substitute teachers of Santa Ana Unified School District deserve Bruce Bauer’s experience and commitment to excellence in education.” Kenneth R. Williams, President, CWA Local 9510.

“I am proud and honored to have received the endorsement of CWA Local 9510. I am especially proud of this endorsement because CWA Local 9510 represents, in part, the hard working substitute teachers in the Santa Ana Unified School District. My sister was a substitute teacher in Los Angeles Unified School District and I know from her hard work and my own experiences that substitute teachers play an integral role for students in the classroom. These substitute teachers deserve our gratitude for their difficult work.”

“The endorsement of CWA Local 9510 comes on the heels of endorsements of my campaign by (1) SEIU, Local 721 (which includes the hard working individuals employed by the City of Santa Ana); (2) Senator Lou Correa; and (3) Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez, and others, and provides momentum forward for my campaign. I am excited about the most recent endorsement by CWA, Local 9510 and appreciate their vote of confidence in me.” Bruce Bauer, Candidate for Santa Ana Unified School District.

The General Election is November 8th and three seats will be up this year on the School Board.

SAEA is the exclusive representative of 2,700 teachers and support staff, such as counselors and psychologists, in the Santa Ana Unified School District. The General Election is November 8th and three seats will be up this year on the board.