Irvine Community Services Commissioner Melissa Fox announced today that she has officially received the endorsement of former Irvine Mayor Sukhee Kang.
“I’m proud to endorse Melissa Fox for Irvine City Council,” Kang stated. “As a small-business owner and city commissioner I know that she is committed to restoring Irvine’s tradition of planning and smart growth. She has a vision for unsnarling Irvine’s roads and maintaining world-class police and fire services and ensuring Irvine remains a great place to live, work, and raise a family.”
Sukhee Kang served two-terms as the mayor of Irvine from 2008-2012. Before that he served on the City Council. He was a former business owner and has been recognized numerous times for his outstanding public service and community leadership. The Irvine Chamber of Commerce recognized Kang in 2010 as “Business Leader of the Year.” He was the first Korean-American mayor elected to a major city.
“I’m honored to receive the endorsement of Mayor Kang,” Fox said. “If elected, I hope to follow his example of how we can work with local businesses to make Irvine a world center of technology and innovation, creating new high-paying jobs and increased economic opportunities for Irvine residents.”
Melissa Fox is an Irvine Community Services Commissioner, attorney, and small business owner in Irvine. To learn more about her campaign visit www.votemelissafox.com