Democratic candidate for mayor of Irvine, Mary Ann Gaido, has secured the endorsement of three branches of the Service Employees International Unions. Here’s her note to supporters below:
We are proud to announce that I have been endorsed for Mayor of Irvine by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) — United Service Workers West and the Service Employees International Union — United Healthcare Workers West. As leaders in the Irvine Living Wage Initiative campaign following the City Council majority’s decision to cut salaries of Irvine contract workers by $2 per hour, we worked with the Service Employees International Union advocating for the California Fair Wage Act, signed into law by Governor Brown in April, 2016.
At this time when the growing wealth gap is creating mounting anxiety in communities across the country, it is most important to understand how local employment practices and policies are affecting America’s ever-widening economic divide. Now is the time to elect a Mayor who will address the growing wealth gap. SEIU says they support Mary Ann Gaido for Mayor of Irvine.
Gaido will face off against three Republicans this fall — State Rep. Don Wagner, anti-Great Park cemetery candidate Gang Chen and Woodbridge Association board member Katherine Daigle. Democrats have a more than 1,000 registered voter advantage over Republicans in Irvine and the other three Republicans are likely to take votes from each other. And let’s not forget, Donald Trump is at the top of the ticket likely to leave many Republican voters home.
Of the three Republicans, Wagner is likely to run on a slate with ethically-challenged council member Christina Shea (R-FivePoint) and Anthony (talk from both side of the mouth on the Cemetery depending on who you’re talking to) Kuo — both of which aired a TV spot during the Republican convention. With Hillary at the top of the ticket, Democratic turn out will be very high, and Larry Agran isn’t on the ballot this fall leaving Republicans without a lot of ammo. Expect Emile Haddad to fund lots of IEs to for the best city council money can buy.
SEIU is nothing but a group of thugs & bullies and you know a load of those guys live and vote in Irvine? Sorry, Marry Ann you have to do better than that because Irvine voters are wise to you. People understand you are nothing but a Larry Agran reincarnation, still trying to pass yourself off as something you are not. else. Despite the slanted Irvine Community News and Views portrayal of you as a “slow growth” candidate, they are failing to report most development currently being done in the City was approved under the Agran Administration and with Mary Ann Gaido on the Planning Commission. Does the City Council need to take a look at growth and traffic issues? You bet they do. That said, controlled growth/traffic mitigation interventions are not the same as “no growth,” but there is room for improvement in dealing with critical issues in the City’s future. The Council majority needs to factor that into updating the City General Plan. Mary Ann Gaido is part of the problem and not a solution for fixing the problems in Irvine.
Another sad example of Fat Pat (Ltpar) — failed Irvine City Council candidate and failed applicant for Irvine Police Chief — sitting in his underwear at the kitchen table in Colorado, still thinking voters in Irvine give a damn about what he thinks. Hey Fat Pat, no one cared what you think when you lived here!
Hey John, sorry to pop your “wet dream” because I know since you like little boys, that is all you have. I am currently home in Irvine and attended several National Night Out events last week with Christina Shea and Anthony Kuo. I would venture a guess that based on my past service to the citizens of Irvine, I have much more credibility than you and your big mouth will ever have. If you have any more intellectual comments to make, put them in that proverbial spot where the sun doesn’t shine.
Pat — if you’re implying John is a pedophile, I’ll put you on moderation. Watch it.
Dan, put me on anything you want, but don’t expect me to turn the other cheek to some A/H who launches a personal attack with zero reference to the topic at hand. My comments on Gaido were my opinion, but were constructive. There was no call for a personal attack, but no whining here because I can give as well as receive. How about you put John on moderation.
I think you both ought to behave yourselves
Pat – I have lived in Irvine for over 30 years and have listened to you and your friends with your agranista comments and your hate filled comments almost the whole 30 years. Why don’t you put a lid on it or at least change your material. It’s old and stale. Mary Ann will do the best for this city and she can be trusted unlike corrupt Christina and her gang. Check out the audit of the audit. The results were just what I would expect from her group.
Moore said the petition for a special election, filed July 16 with the city, was faulty because it omitted an explanation of the automatic seating rule.