(WASHINGTON, D.C., 8/1/16) – American Muslim women from across the country today will demand that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump take notice as they participate in a social media campaign, #CanYouHearUsNow, designed to challenge his disparaging comments about Ghazala Khan, the mother of a Muslim who died while serving in the U.S. Army in Iraq, for standing silently as her husband spoke against Trump’s bigotry at the DNC convention.
In an interview on ABC’s “This Week with George Stephanopoulos,” Trump perpetuated stereotypes of Muslim women by claiming that the reason Khan didn’t speak at the convention was because she wasn’t permitted to by Islam.
Trump drew widespread condemnation for his remarks, and a loose network of American Muslim women activists decided to respond to him by launching a social media campaign #CanYouHearUsNow on Monday, August 1 from 10 am to 1 pm (EDT) where they share a bit about who they are and how they speak out on issues important to them everyday.
“When I think of Muslim women, I think of all the beautiful women who are working hard everyday to spread good and change the world for better,” said Fatima Salman, Executive Director of the Muslim Student Association National and ISNA Central Zone Rep. “This campaign is designed to show Donald Trump and the rest of America this reality.”
Rabiah Ahmed, Media and Public Affairs Director at the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) added that “Donald Trump needs to move his understanding of Islam and Muslims beyond the stereotypes. Our campaign is one way for us to showcase who we are and what we stand for.”
MPAC along with other national Muslim organizations and grassroots leaders have called on the community to support the campaign by sharing voices and accomplishments of Muslim women.
Founded in 1988, the Muslim Public Affairs Council improves public understanding and policies that impact American Muslims by engaging our government, media and communities.