Obama/Biden Back Harris for Senate

Kamala Harris in Laguna Beach, January 2016
Kamala Harris in Laguna Beach, January 2016
Kamala Harris in Laguna Beach, January 2016

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden have endorsed California AG Kamala Harris for US Senate.

From the story:

Harris’ ties to Obama and his administration stretch back more than a decade, even before he burst onto the national political scene. While she was still the San Francisco district attorney, Harris supported and raised money for Obama when he ran for the U.S. Senate in Illinois. She later served as the California co-chair of his upstart 2008 presidential campaign. 

Obama reciprocated by helping to launch Harris into the national spotlight when he gave her a speaking role at the 2012 Democratic National Convention in North Carolina.

The next year, the president landed in hot water when he called Harris the “best-looking attorney general” in the country during a Democratic fundraiser in the Bay Area.

The president called Harris the next day to apologize for the remark and the distraction it caused.

When news leaked about Biden’s endorsement decision this month, Sanchez supporters expressed dismay that the administration would attempt to tip the scales in this intra-party contest.

Rep. Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Downey) said Sanchez has been a strong supporter of the president, adding that it would be disappointing to see that loyalty disregarded.



  1. Any idea if Kamala has said ANYTHING good or bad about Obama’s terrible TPP trade deal, which Loretta opposes? (I guess I should ask Greg.)

    I keep saying, despite common wisdumb, Lo is to Kamala’s left in a lot of ways.

  2. “Outreach to the African-American community is an area where the Republican Party must do better,” Trump said. The Republican vice presidential nominee brings the circus to the annual event that’s a pilgrimage of sorts for aspiring pols.

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