There’s a new newspaper in town — a conservative-bent Irvine City News (frequency of publication unknown) — debuted late last month and its being promoted by Irvine’s Republican influencers on social media as the paper with the “real facts” not the stuff published by the Irvine Community News & Views.
As someone who loves newspapers, this is awesome news. Why? A good old-fashion partisan newspaper war harkens to the days when New York City had dozens of newspapers. Editor and Publisher Jacob Levy hasn’t replied to our email asking how the paper is funded, but from the content and it’s pro-Republican, pro-Five Point slant, my guess is Five Point or IrvineCares.org proprietor Dick Ackerman. There’s not a lot about Mr. Levy to be found online, so he’s welcome to introduce himself to our readers in the comments section below.
ICN feels the additional testing for toxics is no big deal, the Irvine Living Wage being reduced was perfectly OK, overdevelopement is fine, and by all means let’s swap the Veteran’s Cemetery to another location so FivePoint can bank hundreds of millions more in profit.
I have to wonder: will Irvine City News be found easily at City Hall even though its conservative partisan in its coverage while ICN&V is not due to its liberal partisan coverage?
So welcome ICN. We will appreciate the blog fodder you’ll provide.
It’s about time!
As I have been saying concerning the issue of those who object to the use of Free Speech to which you might object – use your own dang Free Speech for counter!
well, their editor and publisher has barred me from commenting on their Facebook page.
So much for a community dialogue
Dan, I also commented on the editor’s article and nothing was published. Apparently they only want comments from people who agree with their point of view. Pro development, Pro growth, Pro traffic, Pro Five Point.
It would appear that ICN has the same comment restrictions as that of ICNV. Assuming ICN is expected to be a counterpoint to ICNV, I would imagine that it would have the same counterpart strategy in its advertising, editorials, letters published, etc.
Dan & Alan – Does the Irvine Community News & Views operate any differently than what you are saying hear about Irvine City News?