Non-profit Group Aims to Empower OC Democratic Women

DPOC Central Committee Members take Oath of Office for 2013-14 term. (Photo: Lou Delgado)
DPOC Central Committee Members take Oath of Office for 2013-14 term. (Photo: Lou Delgado)
DPOC Central Committee Members take Oath of Office for 2013-14 term. (Photo: Lou Delgado)

Santa Ana – The non-profit political organization WELead OC kicks-off its 2016 Women’s Political Training Program this Saturday, March 12th at the Orange County Employees Association headquarters at 830 N. Ross Street.

“WELead OC is constructing a pipeline of progressive, Democratic women to run for elected office,” says founder and Executive Director Karen Hinks. “WELead OC is the only program in Orange County providing comprehensive support to women candidates.”

Saturday’s event includes a noon luncheon followed by a panel discussion with prominent Democratic women holding elected office in Orange County. The public is invited to attend the noon event featuring SAUSD Trustee Valerie Amezcua, Westminster City Councilwoman Diana Lee Carey, HBUSD Trustee, Bonnie Castrey, Coast Community College Trustee, Lorraine Prinsky, La Habra City Councilwoman Rose Espinoza and Tustin City Councilwoman Becki Gomez.

“There are 176 City Council seats in the County’s 34 cities,” says Hinks. “Women hold only 45 of those seats and barely one-third of those office holders are Democrats. That needs to change.” WELead OC’s goal is to add 16 new elected Democratic women to Orange County’s City Councils and School Boards in 2016.

Potential candidates successfully completing the six-week WELead OC course will receive assistance with phone banking and field/precinct/GOTV outreach.

Who:               WELead OC;

What:              Kick-off of the WELead OC 2016 Women’s Political Training Program;

When:             Saturday, March 12, 2016, 9:30 am. Noon lunch, 1:30 pm Panel, 3:30 pm close

Where:            OCEA building, 830 N. Ross Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701

Why:               Train & empower Democratic, culturally diverse women for political leadership;

RSVP:             Contact Karen Hinks –


About WELead OC:

WELead OC (“WE” is an acronym for “Women Empowered”) is a political non-profit dedicated to engaging, educating and empowering Orange County Democratic Women, through political training programs, speaker and leadership events. WELead OC’s 2015 program graduated four women all are candidates in upcoming city council and school board races.

For more information, visit



  1. Forget not, thete is a “private” Facebook Group for women supporting Joe Dunn, it has eight members, inluding his wife and campaign manager. Funny thing….no LATINA’S, No women, Mother’s, Tia’s or otherwise interested females.

    Catch a glimpse at Joe’s recent fundraiser/event……as WHITE as Donald Trumps ass. Here is a Millionare lawyer, who has ZERO involvement with the communit . Yet wants to represent that community.

    Joe Dunn is another uninvolved, rich white guy. Scamming his way into office.

    • It doesn’t make sense to have a private Facebook group when running for office. Throw in the link next time. Joe has represented this community in government before. Joe, Lou and Bao are all good guys. It’s about who will best represent the area in Congress.

      • I jave no doubt Joe is a good guy, just as I have no doubt Bao doesn’t even live in the district he is trying to represent.

        I do question what exactly Joe Dunn’s contribution to the residents of Central Santa Ana and Anaheim has been in say, the last ten years, other than being a corporate lobbyist and head of the ultimate special interest: lawyers.

        With friends like Nelson and Lipton (AKA Paul Lucas) Joe doesn’t need enemies!

    • OCDEM is a liar. I was at that event (Joe’s Irish bash Saturday afternoon.) About half the folks there were non-white, I’m not even gonna try to start naming them all, but I can provide photos.

        • P*ss off Dan. I don’t feel like bringing any of this blog’s trash onto my blog, and I don’t need to prove anything. Go ask anyone who was there, supposedly you know some Democrats. I could start naming all the Latino and Vietnamese and Aab-American people who were there, but half of them I didn’t even know. And OC DEM is a piece of offal that I don’t want to soil my fingers conversing with.

  2. Joe Dunn is shamelessly pandering to teachers unions in Anaheim and Santa Ana. Wait until they learn how “the man of the people” pulled strings to keep his kids away from “THOSE PEOPLE” south of 17th.

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