Correa Calls for Greater Transit Access in Santa Ana


The Voice of OC reported on the OCTA possibly cutting two routes from mass transit service in Santa Ana citing declining ridership.  It’s drawn fire from the community which relies on public transportation in OC the most.

Former State Senator Lou Correa is calling on the OCTA and the Santa Ana City council to keep the routes open; this letter from Correa, a candidate for Congress in CD-46, was sent to the Liberal OC this morning.

As a longtime Central Orange County resident, and former representative in the State Legislature and former OCTA Board Member, I would like to express my opposition to the proposal to cut two important transit lines that run through the heart of Santa Ana, Routes 51 and 145.

While there are portions of the proposed OCTA bus re-alignment I do support, such as the proposed expansion of the BRAVO express bus line along 17th Street/Westminster Avenue, and the increase in service for Route 56 which runs along Garden Grove Blvd., I believe cutting any routes in Santa Ana, which has the highest transit ridership of any city in Orange County, is unnecessary and wrong.

According to SCAG and the US Census, eleven percent of Santa Ana’s residents take transit. OCTA is proposing to cut two transit lines that run through central Santa Ana. These lines run through areas with some of the highest boarding density in Orange County.  The 51-Flower connects residents in the Pico-Lowell, Heninger Park, Mid-City, Wilshire Square, and Memorial Park neighborhoods to Santa Ana College and the office buildings and shopping in the South Coast Metro area.  The 145-Raitt-Greenville-Fairview provides transportation to residents in Valley Adams, Bella Vista, Casa Bonita, and Artesia-Pilar to connect them to the Civic Center and the South Coast Metro area.

Senator Lou Correa, (Photo:Lou Delgado)
Senator Lou Correa, (Photo:Lou Delgado)

During the 16 years I represented this area in the State Assembly, County Board of Supervisors and State Senate, I traveled the areas of Santa Ana these routes run through quite often. I do not recall a single time that there was not a person waiting at bus stops on these routes. I have met with many constituents, be it working class residents, seniors and students who used these routes as essential pathways to get around their city or to get to and from school or work. I personally know that Special Education teachers at Valley High School use Route 145 as a means to teach their students proper socialization skills.

Instead of taking needed transit service away from Santa Ana and giving it to areas that do not use it, OCTA should make those routes more attractive by adding service, such as reducing the 51’s weekday headway from 30-60 minutes between buses to 15-20 minutes, the Saturday headway from 40 minutes to 20 minutes, and add Sunday service with 20 minute headways.

OCTA should also add service to the 145, to reduce the weekday headway from 45-60 minutes to at least 20 minute headways. Additional service on the 51 and 145 would also help relieve overcrowding on the 57-Bristol bus line.

Both of these bus lines will intersect the future OC Streetcar route in Downtown Santa Ana and provide residents access to the streetcar, which will also provide these residents regional mobility with access to the Santa Ana Train Depot.

Another bus line that runs through Santa Ana that OCTA is proposing to cut is the 76-MacArthur. This bus line is the only OCTA bus that connects Santa Ana to John Wayne Airport. Instead of cutting all transit options to John Wayne Airport, OCTA should extend the 53-Main Street to John Wayne Airport. Currently, the 53-Main only extends to Main and MacArthur in Santa Ana.

It is my understanding that OCTA held NO community meetings regarding these decisions. Such decisions need the input of those individuals that will be most affected.  The two of the cities with the highest amount of transit ridership, Anaheim and Santa Ana, appear to have been marginalized in this decision making process.

Furthermore, as you may know, many senior citizens rely on public transportation. And, in many cases, public transportation is the only means of transportation for many seniors.  Seniors, of all ethnic and socio-economic groups rely on public transportation as their sole source of transportation.  

I ask that you reconsider this section of the proposal that takes essential service away from residents in Santa Ana. I commend your hard work and hope we can come to a “win-win” solution for both OCTA and the residents of Santa Ana.



Lou Correa

cc: Santa Ana City Council


  1. OCTA says: “.. bus ridership and revenue have declined.” They want to “Explore Funding” – and “A study is underway to evaluate the fare structure.”

    Sounds like fare increases are coming – possible trade-off for routes to remain as they now exist .. ? Could have been the plan all along in order to stifle opposition to increasing fares.

    Consider that currently riders pay only 25% of the cost of their rides.

  2. Why cant you just face the fact that you are in no way a Democrat let alone a Liberal and that yo are a Cheerleader for DINOs and their Republican Handlers? Why cant you demonstrate what exactly makes you a Democrat? Spoiler alert, you’re not a Democrat.

      • Sorry man, a paltry 100 dollar donation does not give you license to call yourself a liberal and then proceed to champion DINOs and their republican handlers. You have supported not one single Liberal candidate in OC, instead choosing to support those who would make the Democratic and its principals a joke. Jordan Brandman. Lou Correa, Tom Daly, Jose Solorio, are the candidates you have always championed over real Democrats. So its not like you even supported DINOs when you had no other choice. The Brandman, Eastman, Kring, over Jose Moreno being the latest example. the last trio you supported over Dr Moreno right along with Curt Pringle. You try and paint your preferred candidates as the best democrats when they are clearly not the best Dems but they are definitley the best DINOs and Republicans. You may think your paltry donations give you license but I assure you they do not. You should change the make of your blog here to the DINO OC or something to accurately reflect what you are. Which is not a real Democrat. Trust me, the more you trumpet a particular DINO, the more people are leaning towards their opponents who are real democrats because its widely understood that you are not a Democrat.BTW, Im keeping all the comments of mine you delete in a file to blast you with later.

        • I’ve contributed to Loretta Sanchez, Larry Agran, Beth Krom, Sukhee Kang, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Bao Nguyen,and Sharon Quirk Silva…oh, and I did write a check to Paul Lucas a long time ago that he probably used for weed. I did not write a check to Eastman or Kring, but did contribute to Anaheim’s Cops for Kids charity as well as the Eli Home and the Irvine Living Wage coalition and the DPOC. With the exception of Bao Nguyen, each was well in excess of $100. I’m glad you’re keeping all those comments in a file. Libel is a serious offense. I won’t let you libel people on this site.

          • I keep them in a file to blast you with later so people can see how you wont let any truth get through on this blog. Your contributions mean nothing. You seem to give money as some sort of permit to blur the line of what a democrat is. I can tell you without reservation your views and opinions are not those of a democrat. In fact your views and opinions are those of a republican. You supported the attempted theft of Angels Stadium; you are a cheerleader of crony capitalism such as Garden Walk, the theft of gate tax dollars that are needed to make the city run; you support candidates and vested individuals who work to violate the civil rights of Latinos the most important demographic to the Democratic party and our values; You carry water for DINOs who have squandered 250 million on Public Relations services that are non-existent; you support candidates who take money from the same groups who defended the savage murderers of Kelly Thomas. And on top of all that, when it comes to Democrats who are actual real Democrats with the record to prove it, you carry water for those who have done nothing but exact the opposite by only using the (d), and behaving just like Republicans. Tell me how it is you can honestly consider yourself a Democrat. And the money ( a cheap 100$) is absolutely meaningless in contrast with your behavior.

            • You know I usually delete these screeds from you Henry because I think they make you look delusional and unbalanced. But I’ve approved them to let our readers see documented evidence that you need to seek help from mental health professionals as soon as possible.

              Let’s review shall we?

              A theft of Angels Stadium would be quite a feat indeed. I’m not sure there’s a truck big enough to cart the whole thing away or a place it could stay hidden. Do you think the Pawn Stars could take it off my hands? I supported developing the site — at Arte Moreno’s expense and risk — in exchange for profit sharing. I think the Angels are a community asset and would hate to see them leave, but please do ask people in St. Louis how they feel about the Rams leaving when the Rams play 71 fewer dates at home than the Angels do.

              I’m not a cheerleader for crony capitalism but do generally support public/private partnerships that create good construction jobs while providing a community benefit (not every proposed project fits that need), but I like the idea of the Ducks building a facility at the Great Park for example.

              Gate taxes are taxes paid by people like you; Anaheim can always pass a local sales tax like they have in Orlando (state sales tax is 6% and local counties can increase it 1.5% to a maximum of 7.5%; in Orlando, the sales tax is 6.5% and it applies to everything not just admission into Disneyworld). For Anaheim to pass a sales tax, it would apply to every business and everyone purchasing any product in Anaheim which would certainly hurt the poorest families there the most.

              Even with the districting plan in Anaheim which I supported, no Latino voter in Anaheim was ever denied the right to vote. Districting makes it much easier to elect a Latino candidate. Democrats in general are not good about turning out for special elections or off-year elections which is why great candidates like Sharon Quirk Silva lost her seat in 2014. Latinos are an important demographic to the Democratic Party; so are young people, LGBTQ, Asian Americans, and working people. When any group doesn’t take the time to vote, they disenfranchise themselves.

              Beth Krom and Larry Agran are DINOs? That’s pretty funny when you examine the sheer number of progressive policies they passed in Irvine over the years. $250 million wasn’t spent on PR services; more like $7 million, but don’t let me stop you from your rant. Of that $7 million, the Solar Decathlon returned in excess of $20 million in economic benefit to Irvine. Do you understand the concept of ROI?

              Curt Pringle and the poll guard incident took place in 1988; I didn’t even move to OC until 1997 and somehow, in your mind, I supported this incident?

              I’ll have to give you an award for how you managed to connect me with people who defended the murder of Kelly Thomas but it simply illustrates that whatever weed you smoke must be great stuff. You appear to endorse the Syllogism method of reason where if the first two statements are true, the third must be true. You can smoke your weed and think up “true” stuff all day.

              I’ll remind you again Henry, you’re a coward. Very brave behind a keyboard and no backbone to actually talk face to face. You’re paranoid and delusional. Your arguments make little actual sense. You need help. I encourage you to get some help as soon as you can. Our party doesn’t need angry little trolls like you in it. We need people willing to take a stand. Sadly, that’s not you.

              I’ll continue to delete comments where you actually libel people. Have a great week.

              • what the heck makes you think I smoke marijuana? Nice way to deflect there Troll. The Angels Stadium was an attempted theft that’s why they took it away from those clowns at the dais. You support Curt Pringles actions by way of supporting his proxy Brandman. You supported kring and Pringle and Correa when you joined them by endorsing them in endorsing Kring and Eastman. You support everything that Curt Pringle places upon the citizens of Anaheim. The dates of when he hired Uniformed Armed Poll Guards to intimidate Latinos to not vote are irrelevant. What is relevant is that you support him now with the full knowledge of what he is capable of. So Yeah, you support racists who hire uniformed armed guards tasked with intimidation of voters. How you are trying to escape that is beyond me. It doesnt matter how long ago it happened. It happened. Period. The man should be forever banned from any participation in civics just like David Duke is. You support the man. So yeah, you are guilty of supporting a racist who hires uniformed armed poll guards. Period. Thus, you are Dan the DINO.

                • “what the heck makes you think I smoke marijuana?” Pretty much everything you wrote in this response.

                  I have never endorsed Lucille Kring, Curt Pringle or Gail Eastman. “The dates of when he hired Uniformed Armed Poll Guards to intimidate Latinos to not vote are irrelevant.” So in your mind, I’m somehow guilty of intimidating Latino voters in an incident that happened 28 years ago by someone I didn’t know then and barely know now? Man, that’s great weed you have. I’m sure Mr. Pringle will be pleased to know he is barred from participating in Civics. Perhaps you need to spend some quality time with an English text book? Might I suggest “Elements of Style?”

                  Honestly “Henry”; you are hysterical.. Are you performing at an Open Mike night at some comedy club? I’d pay to watch you rant.

              • you dleete my comments because I accurately identify you as the DINO you are and you are afraid of being outed as on who supports the man who hired uniformed armed poll guards to intimidate Latino Voters. You do this by proxy in Jordan Brandman; Curt Pringle puppet. he endorsed and supported Kring, and Eastman. Correa endorsed all three of Pringles puppets. Thus, Correa is a DINO as are you. Your money means nothing. Money does not a Democrat make. Actions are what makes a Democrat a Democrat. And vice versa actions make the Republican. Your actions are not those of a Democrat.

                • apparently, you believe incoherence makes you a Democrat. Sure, call me a DINO. I hope it makes you feel better. Perhaps you ought to take a remedial writing class “You do this by proxy in Jordan Brandman…” Is this Sarah Palin? C’mon…..who talks like this?

          • You’re not hearing me. Your money means nothing. Eastman and Kring, along with Brandman have wreaked havoc on Anaheim. Brandman and Correa have endorsed both those ladies and Correa has endorsed all three. Yet you carry water for both Brandman and Correa. Brandman has essentially been kicked out of the party for violating the rights of Latinos voting rights, (And it doesn’t help or matter that he finally conceded), and yet you carry water for that guy. So what are we to think about you as a party? I mean seriously, I guess you think Brandman and Correa are all good now like you do about Curt Pringle when you aid his hiring of Armed Uniformed Poll Guards, was so many years ago its ok now. Kinda like maybe we should let David Duke have another fair shot at Governor.

  3. Trump has lots of money. he has given a ton of money to both Dems and Republicans. His opponents say he isnt a republican. And i agree. Thats an insult to republicans. Just like you and your donations. They dont make you a Democrat.

  4. So apparently since Curt Pringles racist behavior to intimidate Latino Voters was x number of yeas ago you think he is all good a clean now? Like a nice crispy set of white sheets after a Roman party makes them clean again? can you tell me about ONE Politician who has been given a pass for these kinds of acts without his having a soul changing experience that can be verified by one of the 5 senses that grants them credence to come back into politics? YOU are a Pringle Supporter because you are the main cheerleader of Jordan Brandman who wasn’t even ALLOWED to come out of the closet without Curt Pringles Permission. That Brandman, along with his fellow Marionettes Eastman Kring, ans kris Murray cost the City of Anaheim how many millions of dollars to prevent the Latino Community from having their proper representation? Thats a Violation of the Voting Rights Act and they got sued and in the end, after trying for two years to deny the Latino Community their rights under the VRA, the finally conceded when Herr Pringle realized his little band of Marrionettes have put them in a precarious position. You championed Jordan Brandman for all of these years to the chagrin of the Democratic Party and the Latino Community. Yes that makes you a crony of Pringle because Brandman couldn’t even come out of the closet to tell us what we have all known for along time that he is gay. thus your support of Brandman is an indictment of you being a Pringle Supporter. This indictment is supported by Brandmans endorsement of his Republican friends and Lou Correas DIN status as well as he endorsed Brandman Kring Eastman and Murray.

    • I have little contact with Mr. Pringle. He hasn’t held elective office for six years now. I don’t think he’s nearly as influential as you think he is. I can name several politicians who’ve made big comebacks. Bill Clinton, Barbey Frank, Gerry Studds, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Jerry Brown, James Michael Curley (look it up). I have supported Jordan Brandman, not Mr. Pringle. Perhaps you can tell me who you support so we can extend guilt by association to you? The lawsuit in Anaheim was over district elections. Not a single Latino has been denied their right to vote. The Democratic Party in OC condemn a single action by Brandman not his entire record (Brandman delivered welcoming remarks at the Truman dinner how many years in a row?). Are you Latino? Do you speak for this community with their consent? Doubt it. The idea Mr. Brandman was not allowed to come out as a gay man on Pringle’s orders is false, malicious and without proof. Who kept Bao Nguyen in the closet? Bao was a student of Pringle’s too. Did you know that? So does Jose Moreno qualify as a DINO for endorsing Tom Tait? You are unhinged. Get help.

      • How many of those politicians have actually hired armed uniformed guards with the explicit orders to intimidate Latinos to discourage them from voting? Dr Moreno recognized a Republican Mayor in light of his non_republican like efforts to lead his city through some horrible times. In those times, Tom Tait put aside republican ideology and did the peoples work. where as the Pringle Marionette brandman behaved like on of the worst types of republicans in these times. A real profile in courage that lil Brandman Marionette there buddy. Jordan cant even pass gas without the ok from pringle. So yeah, your endorsement of brandman is an endorsement of pringle. the man who hired uniformed armed poll guards to intimidate Latino voters to discourage them from voting. And news flash, there is not one single person on this planet who was not aware that both jordan brandman and bao nguyen were gay. You qualify as a DINO because you are a DINO. You cheer DINOs and you cheer republican crony capitalism.

        • Well, the concept of Poll Guards happens more than you think. But that’s not the question you asked. Jordan Brandman cannot be held accountable for something Curt Pringle did when Jordan Brandman was a toddler. You can keep beating this dead horse all you want.

          On the subject of Tait, sorry but he’s a conservative Republican mayor who misses many votes due to conflicts with his business and key county issues, he continues to vote against public employee labor union agreements, and has his name attached to an abortion rights ballot measure that further undermines Roe V. Wade. But I’m sure the conservative wing of the Republican Party is happy to hear you support his non-Republican efforts.

  5. Henry Lipton is to Paul Lucas what Kenlaysnotdead/Bigboxofredwhine is to Beezlebub/LFoldtimer.

    These fakes are ALL cut from the same clothe, trouble is not Henry,Paul,KNLD,BBRW or Bezzlebub/LFOLDTIMER, its the hypocrital blog hosts that allow it after crying foul and using it to their advantage.

    The Voice Of OC puts the “old” OJB to shame on this respect. The new “OJB”, one expects nothing more than one sided political favortism and attacks.

      • I will ask you this (and be careful how you answer) are you Paul Lucas using a fake name?
        If you are not, why do you feel compelled to use a fake name? Are you a CATER member, that has “financial interests” in Anaheim as C. Ward describes her membership?
        Are you OC SHADOW? Kenlaysnotdead? Paul Lucas? Maybe you are Jeff Letourneo? I don’t know. But why are you HIDING behind an ID?
        I BELIEVE YOU ARE PAUL LUCAS. Who I am “given to understand” is on felony probation. But, I could be wrong.

        • Im not Paul. I know Paul. and no he is not on probation. Im not using a fake name. Im not a member of CATER but I support their efforts regardless of the the results. Im Henry. And you are irrelevant to me. Your screen name isnt real. I have an interest in my community and that is the reason Im opposed to DINOs like Jordan Brandman, and Correa, and the troll running this blog. Just because you cant find me in the phone book doesn’t mean I’m fake. It just means I can keep my personal information secure like a 21st century adult. Im interested in keeping my communities resources where they belong. In the community. Not in the bank account of the troll running this blogs best republican buddy Pringle and his marionette Brandman. Why are you a Republican carrying water for the troll who runs this blog? are you having political jungle fever being so close to a DINO?

        • You are like the troll who runs this blog cal Worthington’s Dog Spot. Couple of greasy used car salesman.

  6. Why do you think ridiculing someone for using marijuana as a medicinal treatment? Why do you think its something you can ridicule and still call yourself a Democrat? I realize youre not directing your ridicule towards me but to a person with serious health problems? What makes you think being a bully is ok when you claim to be a democrat? DINO alert!

    • I am not ridiculing anyone who uses Marijuana as medicine. I’m suggesting you’re high because you aren’t making any sense at all. Like I’m not responsible for your drivel, I’m not responsible for other comments. Read your sentence about bullying again. Apply it to yourself jerk

      • Nice selective editing the troll. You have approved this comment but skipped over the others that illustrate how you are a DINO and akin to Taco Bell as to Mexican Food. Im standing up to a bully how thinks its ok to support those who would violate the VRA. Your gaggle of Republicans who echo the pustulent ramblings of your syphilitic mind are of no help. They just emphasize the point that you are a DINO and have zero credibility.

        • I’m actually responding point by point to the other comment. Syphilitic mind? Sorry, I don’t have that STD (or any STD for that matter) and that is a demonstrably false statement with intent to damage and that’s called libel. You’re on moderation now. Try to keep your insults of me fact based. I’m happy to attack your bad grammar and fractured syntax. You’re barely hanging on to that anger management badge, aren’t you?

  7. Based on his FB advertising for a “420 friendly” roomate for his Orange apartment, I called John Paul Lucas on his cell phone.

    I asked plainly:
    “Paul, are you posting on the internet using the name ‘Henry Lipton’?
    He replied:
    “F#*k You”.

    Instead of asking “Henry” if he is real, get Paul Lucas to say publicly he has NEVER used this moniker. I bet, he won’t, nor will Vern or the owner of his tripped up ip address.

    Paging Paul Lucas: Do you know Henry Lipton? Is he a voter? How could he be “in with the DPOC” if no one has ever met him (to steal a term from Greg Diamond)? Hey Greg must know this guy. He has lectured EVERYONE else about his knowledge of the DPOC. How about Jeff, Florice, Valerie Amezcua, Jose Moreno……

    Give it up Paul. You’vebeen outed.

        • Is the troll allowing homophobic comments here now? This screenshot will make a nice addition to the file.

          • “Henry” — I’ve just reviewed every hate-filled comment you’ve left here including the ones I deleted; not a single Democrat has come to your defense on any point. No one has shown up to support you. Who died and left you in charge of deciding who a real Democrat is and who a DINO is? And tell you what? Let’s play the guilt by association game you’re trying on me. There’s a photo online of Paul Lucas with former Senators Paul Wellstone and Edward M. Kennedy. By your logic, because Paul is proud to be in this photo, he supports Kennedy who was responsible for the death of Mary Jo Kopechne at Chappaquiddick in 1969. Now this is ridiculous of course. Kennedy was involved in an accident and he was an amazing legislator and champion of liberal causes. But if I wanted to play your game, Paul Lucas would have been how old in 1969? And you’ve never once demonstrated YOUR Demoratic credentials? Are you a voter? Do you vote for Democratic candidates? Do you volunteer for them? If so, who? Are you on any committees? Do you attend the Truman Dinner? Do you volunteer at the DPOC booth at the County Fair? I’ll guess you don’t do a damn thing. Put up or shut up.

            Go crawl back into your hidey hole and swallow your bitter pills of hate. Try doing something productive with your day.

            • Ive never discussed the democratic central committee or anyone in it save for what is made publicly available by you and other blogs.. Your dog Spot baited me in his comments. The DINO-ness of Yours as well as those you support and your republican and DINO commenters show your DINO-ness. Try just illustrating how you are a Democrat and Not a DINO. and again, your donations mean nothing as you are apparently well off and your paltry donations seem to be done as a sort of cover charge to get into the club to wreak havoc. Alot like those guys in Paris who shot up the night club. They paid to get in; Didnt make then a true fan. The reason you dont see me is cause I dont move in your circles, and I actually do democratic based activities. So I wouldnt expect you to see anything relating to that. Its actually kind of amusing watching you look around in vain to find me. Trust me, Im not Paul. and its amusing to see that someone is getting free rent in your head. As far as the Correas bill for honorable discharge of service members is transparent pandering.

              • Oh you’re not even a player just a prentender; shut up about DINOs and Democrats as you do nothing to help my party, How’s the view from the cheap seats? I’m an AD-68 delegate fool; show up Saturday with your backbone

            • So you’re busy doing your creepy stalking routine creeping around someones facebook page? Im assuming that you are deleting the posts by dems that are not friendly to your DINO slant and vindictive stalking. I can also say that you have nothing but Republicans echoing your balogna. And when was the last time you actually did anything other than pay your cover fee so you can be a menacing boor?

                • What do you want me to ask the\? How to steal 250 million dollars legally? or do you want me to ask them how to stalk harass and inflict gratuitous emotional distress on a person with serious health problems you coward? Or do you want me to ask them how to be a pompous boor? Or how to be the guy who really puts to test the adage all you can eat for one low entry fee?

                • You’re delusional. I’m far too busy to stalk anyone especially someone beneath my interest. Keep blasting your drivel. No one pays attention to you and no one agrees. Again, was all 250 million at the Great Park wasted? No it wasn’t. Stop believing crap Republicans put out. Get a job loser

            • guilt by association only works in this case if you are a true dem or a DINO. In your case, it is not guilt by association. You cheer Republican efforts by their DINO marionettes, and you cheer the Republican actions done by DINOs. So there is not guilt by association. You are just guilty. Im told that the many itteraions of your dog spot aka Pinky is actually some joker named Phil Becerra. Whom of which there will be a new series of posts about on the OJB Im told. Im not in the loop of the pissing match between you guys bu it sounds like its going to interesting. So I guess we will both see.

                • Like I aid, I dont know the guy how should I know how his name is spelled. hey he is pat of your group of misfits so I dont even care. Im just telling you what Ive been told. You have accused me of being vern nelson paul and some other person I cant recall along with a whole lot of other anonymous screen names, too so you are not actually lost or confused you just keep referring to my identity to avoid admitting your a DINO. And believe me, I am not the only one who clearly sees correa for the DINO he is, as well as that marionette of curt pringles on the dais. Oh an I live in anaheim dude so I dont have an apartment to rent in orange. You can quit ruminating over my identity, I told you when you see me it will be of no benefit to you anyway.

  8. Yes I am i already told you why you cant see me. You should respect that. And how and why do you have voter files? Is it legal o have them if you are not part of a current campaign and if so what campaign and why are you misusing the files for you own personal stalking adventures?

    • I should respect your right to privacy? That applies to real people with real names. What are you going to say when the ROV comes back and tells me there’s no voter named Henry Lipton in Anaheim and there’s no voter named “Ham Lipton” in Anaheim. I wish you were as smart as you think you are.

        • I’m not planning to release information; I’m simply planning to confirm that there’s a real person named “Henry Lipton” in Anaheim. The Safe At Home program applies primarily to Law Enforcement professionals, judges, elected etc. It doesn’t apply to fictional characters.

          • You’re not listening. The registrar cannot confirm or deny my registration. To anyone. Thats the point of safe at Home. And d you really want to go looking up the info of a police man. Or Victim of stalking and violence? which one do you think will make you look less like a creepy weirdo crazy stalker that needs to be locked up?

            • To be on the list, you’d have to be a judge, a cop, or get a court order with lots of documentation to prove you need to be on that list. You say you’re real. I say its an alias. Evidence is on my side. But please keep throwing bombs at everyone you hate from your private sanctuary while telling me how courageous you really are.

              • Victims of violent crime are on the list as well as police officers and other personnel of critical nature. Your douche bag-ness is showing. You ant to tell the world that you are stalking a police man or a victim of violent crime? Thats really going to look good for lou correa with you as his main PR handler.

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