Santa Ana, Calif. – The International Union of Operating Engineers Local 501 (IUOE) is backing Joe Dunn for California’s 46th Congressional District, announced the Dunn campaign.
“After reviewing the voting history of all candidates, our members said it’s abundantly clear that Joe Dunn has the best record for Orange County’s working families. Joe is now our sole endorsement,” said Ed Curly, IUOE Local 501’s Business Manager. “Joe is an unwavering voice for workers to have more equitable pay, safer job sites, and a secure retirement. It’s in his blood to be a champion for the middle class. It’s where he comes from.”
The IUOE Local 501 represents hundreds of engineers and craft workers in Orange County. Their members play an integral role in the safe operation of nearly every major building or complex in Orange County.
Joe Dunn has thirty years of experience holding big corporations and government bureaucracies accountable to Orange County’s middle-class families. Joe empowered communities through the legal system to stop polluters and fought price-gouging drug companies. He investigated Enron and other unethical energy companies manipulating prices. He took on oil companies ripping off consumers at the gas pump and stood up to gun manufacturers to make our neighborhoods safer.
Joe fought to secure millions of dollars from tobacco companies to be used for local health care services and community clinics. While heading the California Medical Association, Joe worked with physicians to help broaden access to affordable health care for Californians.
As an elected official, Joe’s voting record has consistently ranked higher than all other CD 46 candidates with California’s most recognized environmental, women’s choice, equality, consumer protection, and labor groups.
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