Sanchez Explains her Statements on Larry King about Muslims

Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez speaks to reporter at 2010 Election Night Rally
Loretta Sanchez
Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez (Photo: Chris Prevatt)

The following statement has been released by the Loretta Sanchez for Senate campaign in regards to remarks she made about Muslims on the Larry King show last week.

Statement by Congresswoman Loretta Sanchez:

“As a member of Congress, I have maintained a strong friendship and partnership with the Muslim community for almost two decades. I believe that the vast majority of Muslims around the world and Muslim Americans are deeply committed to Islamic ideals of peace and community service.

“Last night, I spoke with Muslim American community members to address their concerns regarding a recent interview, in which I referenced various conflicting opinions regarding the rate of support for ISIS and other militants among Muslims worldwide. As I clearly stated in the full interview, those studies offer only estimates based upon very limited research. There are other equally compelling data to support far lower estimates.

“I want to reiterate that my reference to those numbers does not reflect my views of the Muslim community in my district, in America or the vast majority of Muslims around the world. I believe that Muslim Americans are fully committed to the security and prosperity of our country. I stand with them as my fellow Americans. They are law-abiding citizens, who love our country, live in peace with their neighbors, and serve our communities as teachers, doctors, businessmen, first-responders, and in many other ways.

As Americans, we must always vigorously protect the civil liberties and human rights of the Muslim community here in America and abroad, and we must oppose those who seek to misrepresent Muslims for political gain.”