CD-46 Candidates: District Support Tells a Different Story

Senator Joe Dunn (ret.)
Senator Joe Dunn (ret.)
Senator Joe Dunn (ret.)

The candidates seeking to replace Loretta Sanchez in CD-46 held their first debate on Saturday after having released financial disclosure statements just before the weekend.  With spin abound, it’s a little hard to distinguish who raised what during the period, so we’ve broken it down and dug up these links that anyone can see.

In order, for Jordan Brandman, click here.  For Lou Correa, click here.  For Joe Dunn, click here.  And for Bao Nguyen, click here.  More telling than money raised is the amount of support each candidate has in the district, and we’ll get to that shortly.

Dunn’s campaign sent the following announcement, in a demonstration of fundraising strength, claiming an additional $120,000 in pledges that came in after the September 30 deadline until October 15.  Here’s the press release:

Joe Dunn Raises A Quarter Million Dollars for Congressional Race in One Month

Santa Ana, CA – In a quick demonstration of fundraising strength for the California Congressional District 46 race, Joe Dunn raised more than a quarter million dollars in one month.

Dunn raised a quarter million dollars starting in mid-September through October 15, and took the lead among all candidates for most contributions received during the fundraising period for the quarter. Dunn raised $131,249 as of the September 30 reporting deadline and another $120,000 through October 15 despite not having to fundraise for a campaign in nearly 10 years.

“I’m humbled by the overwhelming response of supporters embracing our campaign fighting for economic fairness for Orange County’s middle class,” said Dunn. “We will be well-positioned to communicate with voters throughout this campaign.”

Joe Dunn has more than three decades of experience holding big corporations and government bureaucracies accountable to Orange County’s middle-class families.  Joe made his mark as a lawyer protecting consumers. His dogged pursuit of justice resulted in prohibiting tobacco companies from marketing to children, taking defective medical devices and pharmaceuticals off the market, and stopping cancer-causing chemical releases from a manufacturing plant.

As a State Senator, Joe continued to stand up to the powerful special interests and led the three year investigation into Enron’s manipulation of California’s energy crisis. He is often credited as being “The Man Who Cracked Enron.” Joe also helped lead the effort to pass a local measure ensuring that millions of dollars in state tobacco settlement dollars would be spent on health care in Orange County.

Join: Friend: JoeDunnforCongress Follow: @JoeDunnCA


We’ve contacted the Dunn Campaign twice to ask if they’ll release the list of pledges for the additional $120,000; it’s the transparent thing to do.  Dunn’s chief consultant on his campaign hasn’t bothered to return a single phone call or email.  So frankly, until the campaign issues a list of pledges, we respectfully call bullshit on the claim.  There’s a sign in the Register’s newsroom that applies here too; Your Mother Says She Loves You; Check it Out.

Brandman, Correa and Nguyen have all raised money in the days after the 9/30 deadline — none of them have issued anything beyond what they have reported.  If they want to, we’ll ask them to be transparent and reveal a fundraising list.  I’m certain Dunn will raise an additional $120,000 by January, but this announcement is being used to demonstrate some magical fundraising ability and that he’s way ahead in this department.  It’s dishonest, unless he reveals his list of contributors.

We took a look at individual campaign contributions to each candidate by those contributors who actually have the ability to vote for the candidate they are funding.  Its a completely different story.  Dunn had 90 contributions counted.  Only three of them came from Santa Ana, Anaheim or Orange.  Of the $131.069 raised, Dunn’s contribution from the district was $2,250.  He received a significant number of contributions from lawyers all over California.

State Senator Lou Correa likes his LiberalOC sticker in the VIP Suite (c) 2009,
State Senator Lou Correa likes his LiberalOC sticker in the VIP Suite (c) 2009,

Lou Correa raised $92,474 during the period ending September 30.  PACs came in with 11 contributions and those from Santa Ana, Anaheim and Orange totaled $9.925 from 17 individual contributions.  Not shabby at all.

Bao Nguyen, Garden Grove Mayor
Bao Nguyen, Garden Grove Mayor

Bao Nguyen, who had a number of contributions from Garden Grove that might be in the district but we couldn’t tell exactly, raised $10,200 of his $54,000 and change totals from folks in Santa Ana, Anaheim, and Orange from 13 individual contributions.  That number could go higher if some of the Garden Grove contributors do actually reside in the district.  Again, not shabby and better than Correa and way better than Dunn despite Nguyen’s launch of his formal campaign days before the deadline.

US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) with Anaheim council member Jordan Brandman in Costa Mesa
US Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) with Anaheim council member Jordan Brandman in Costa Mesa

Anaheim Council Member Jordan Brandman had 45 individual contributions from the district (Santa Ana, Anaheim, and Orange) for a total of $38,886 — or about a third of the $116,000 the campaign reported.  The Brandman camp issued their own press release on the results but had to correct some of the numbers.  Because all campaigns are spinning numbers, the links above are what’s being reported so go with that.

Is local support more important than total money raised?  Yes it is.

In 2006, John Duong challenged Beth Krom for Mayor in Irvine.  Duong clearly outraised Krom’s campaign with a significant amount of funds coming into Irvine from Little Saigon.  Krom was also up against the deep pockets of the Lincoln Club and other established OC Republican interests.  But on election day, Krom crushed Duong clearly demonstrating that you can be outspent by an opponent with very deep pockets and still win.

We’re going to publicly ask the Dunn campaign to release it’s list of contributors who gave after 9/30 and until 10/15.  A refusal to do so simply means transparency isn’t something Dunn can be counted on.

In terms of political endorsements for the race, Correa is the clear leaders followed by Brandman.  Dunn and Nguyen have no endorsements as of yet.


A disclosure; I have made a small contribution to the Jordan Brandman campaign last quarter and have pledged to make a contribution to the Bao Nguyen campaign (a money order because I don’t want my credit card number or bank account number in Greg Diamond’s apartment as his step-daughter is Bao Nguyen’s treasurer and my schedule didn’t permit me time to take care of that before 9/30); both candidates asked and I made it clear I had made contributions to one of their opponents in the same race as well.  The Correa and Dunn campaign have not contacted me for a contribution so none was provided.



  1. You like to say “I’m not your monkey.” So does this demand mean that you believe that Joe Dunn is your monkey?

    I sometimes see envelopes from the various campaigns for which my daughter serves as Treasurer. I don’t see what’s inside the envelopes. You sound like you’re paranoid, projecting, or both.

    • And thus continues the most pathetic bromance in Orange County. The two of you should already get a room at the Tampico Motel and spare us the bloviations already…

    • Even that is privileged information, to which you are not entitled – and about which you should not be divulging information to the public. You may get your daughter fired you bumbling fool.

      • Do I need to explain to you how postal mail works? It comes to the house. Information is on the envelope. If it comes care of a campaign, I don’t attend to it. So what is supposedly “privileged”?

    • So, Jabba, are you and your stepdaughter working at the kitchen table together or is she doing her homework in her room?

        • Just curious there Jabba as you’ve seen fit to get a business license for your home based law practice but Ms. Barcelona hasn’t for her campaign finance management gig… though she has collected campaign contributions (read elsewhere) using your home address. I’m sure you have a logical explanation for all of this.

          • I am told his daughter has teamed up with another exiled DPOC member, Tammy McIntyre, a Male to Female transsexual. She operates her business from a home in Fullerton somewhere, Another Kitchen table, just not Greg’s. “Don’t mind the Sirracha stains on the documents”.

            I mention this ONLY, because in a previous discussion about Greg’s cancerous nature on the local Democratic party he allowed a perverse, offensive bigoted comment regarding Tammy on the OJB.

            In other words it’s OK to call Tammy names if you are anonymously defending Greg (or at the least agreeing with him). It’s just you anonymous cowards that disagree with him that are bad.

            • Tammy owns the business. Greg’s stepdaughter is an employee if working full time or a contractor if not. If Greg’s stepdaughter is a contractor, she needs the business license. If full time, Tammy needs to acquire one in Brea

                • My contractors have business licenses in the cities in which they live and work. Because they are effectively running a home-based business or if they are taking a home office deduction on taxes.

                • Good for you. I’m not going to talk about my daughter’s business in that level of detail, in part because her business is none of my business. So why are you probing it publicly here? Is this your way of helping Democratic candidates? No, who am I kidding? That’s never been your priority.

                  NOTHING is more important to you in life than revenge against insult. (*Certainly* not your oft-trumpeted devotion to your party.) It’s pathetic. Your constantly trying to emasculate other men (and I put myself aside in making that charge), your continually bragging about your personal possessions, your desperate and thundering efforts to evade questions about yourself and turn the topic to others, are the sign of a pitifully weak ego. And not merely that, either.

                  You know, because I do feel sorry for you in some ways — I’ve heard what your condition was like before I ever met you and I can imagine the trauma — I have avoided writing paragraphs like the previous one, preferring to fence with you rather than to slash. But if you really want to drag our families into this, then you get no quarter. Now give me that blustering “bring it on!” response that I know you’ll provide, then hunker down.

                • Nothing is more important to me in my life than my family, their well-being, my loyalty to my friends, fostering my growing business and working to elect Democrats to office in a conservative county. I’m sorry you feel emasculated by this. My condition? I was heavy and did something about it. Im glad I did. You should do it. It will add years to your life. I’m the only one in my family that’s political. My kids are in school. My wife writes about technology and entertainment; her ethics clause prohibits us from hosting fundraisers or even placing a sign on my front lawn. Good luck trying to drag my family into OC politics. Except for my 16 year old, everyone here just votes.

                • The possession that jumps to mind was your camera, simply because it was so weird. You do this repeatedly, but I’m not inclined to put myself through reading your tripe a second time.

                • Photography is a hobby; I own several cameras and I take great photos, especially of my kids and my wife. The most recent camera acquisition being a Christmas gift from my wife. I have been collecting cameras and lenses for more than 20 years. This bothers you? I don’t care.

                • As for my “you have a weak ego” post, you also almost totally lack self-awareness. I suppose that in your case it’s a blessing.

                  Just for the sake of a clear record: your position is that my daughter should consider herself to be open to your abuse because as a compliance officer she helps Democrats (from across the party’s political spectrum) run for office and get elected in Orange County. Any corrections to that?

                • I don’t think your step-daughter does anything that warrants abuse, as she works for a respected political operative. But your step-daughter does make a living in politics. If she commits errors on filings or if she were to commit outright Kindee Durkee-styled misdeeds, of course she’s fair game. If she’s as smart as you say she is and the fact Tami has faith in her, I’m sure there’s nothing to worry about. But to suggest she’s completely off-limits is just you being protective. If she was working for Lucille Kring and wasn’t related to you by marriage, I’m sure you’d have a different opinion.

                • Dan, You are DISGUSTING! How dare you call yourself a democrat. You are telling me you are middle class family and you actually have a hobby……….photography???????

                  Wow. Go ahead Chmielewski, defend it. I bet you have telephoto lense too! This SO different than the guys who golf or build custom VW’S. You are in 5he class of those entitled jerks who do……..woodworking or painting.

                  I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to learn you prefer HIENZ Ketchup to store brand or Springfeild you ELITIST!

                • I have a huge Nikon telephoto lens purchased through a buddy at Nikon at a generous discount. A nice wide angle lens I bought after taking in Yellowstone National Park ( it came in handy at the Grand Canyon two years ago and at the top of the volcano in Maui in 2014. Took a smaller Nikon to Manhattan this summer. I have two mid sized telephoto lenses too. My gear bag is heavy. Love that memory cards are cheap. Still looking for high end photo printer.

            • I recall either deleting or admonishing such a comment. I don’t recall leaving one up without at least slamming it. I don’t read every single comment on the blog, let alone remembering them after — how many years?

          • Sure. But you’re not entitled to it, because you are a raving, rented, lying, sad, poisonous, pustulant chunk of hog vomit.

            No could you please list the names of your children, in case I wanted to act like you and investigate their lives? Oh, forget it – unlike you, I’m not like that.

            Again, I congratulate you on finding a suitable Internet-based home here. You fit in perfectly.

            • Seems I was wrong, Jabba has no logical explanation. Once again he resorts to name calling, rarely a successful debate tactic, a form of cyber-bullying that has become his trademark. His aspirations to be the lead political antagonist in the OC are thwarted by the fact that his threats are as empty as his grasp of facts.

              • Jar-Jar, you ambulatory pustule, you have no legitimate basis for asking this sort of question of me. We are not “debating” and it is not a “tactic.” It is a bowdlerized version of what I would say to you if our host allowed the sort of language I would choose. That’s OK, you melted gelatinous version of the Gorton’s fisherman, because as with the limitations of any other poetic form it forces me to be creative.

                By the way, have you seen a photo of our host or met him in person? That he’s fine with your slinging around terms like “Jabba” may not be hitting the target you intend. I’m surprised that he puts up with it — or, to be honest, unsurprised to be unsurprised by it.

                • I don’t see a single threat being present in my previous comment, you vapid gelatin-brained semi-functional addled bloodworm. If you persist in claiming to the contrary, please identify it so that I can decide whether to double down on it.

            • Your step-daughter works on political campaigns and like it or not is fair game like any other political consultant; you’ve gone after a number of them in the past. If my children were to pursue a career in politics, I would expect no less.

                • I didn’t suggest that “compliance officers can do no wrong.” I’m suggesting that no one — except you — tends to go after candidates on the basis of their compliance officer even if they make a mistake, because that position is not a “political” one. It has nothing to do with policy. But you think that it is still an invitation to criticism from the sorts of anonymous asshats that you attract here. You’re lucky that people from DPOC apparently don’t read your blog, because that’s repulsive to anyone in politics. Candidates appreciate and depend on their compliance officers and will generally try to shield them from … well, from the likes of you.

                • I’ve told you and told you, Greg, that nobody important reads this blog. You are starting to realize that finally? That’s why, as fun as it is to come over and mix it up with these dicks, it’s also fine to just let things go sometimes.

                • Vern, totally agree with your statement as it applies to you and Greg. Neither of you are important. I did get three of four CD-46 candidates to reply to my ever so brief policy Q&A so I’ll be sure to let Bao Nguyen know you don’t think he’s important. Hope you didn’t drink too many of Ryan’s beers this weekend

                • Well, Lou, Bao and Jordan all submitted answers to my questions. But by all means, you and Greg keep coming back to comment here partly proving your claim no one of consequence reads us.

            • An aside, hogs rarely vomit. If they do, it usually means there’s some form of food poisoning (also rare) or evidence of an ulcer. Depending on the size and age of the hog, if it’s an ulcer, there’s usually one outcome — bacon

    • so just how did you get all those email addresses in Brea to announce your new TheBrean blog? Most of those who received it didn’t know you.

      • Legally.

        My turn. Did you have any direct or indirect contact with the poisonous political prostitute you’ve attracted here prior to his arrival on this site?

        • Poisonous political prostitute? I met you once. And we talked on the phone before. I recall you didn’t know who Terry Collins was (hint: he’s in the Mets dugout tonight).

          If you are talking about Mr. Clark, the answer is no. He asked that we added his blog to our blogroll and began reading our site.

          Define “legally” with your acquisition of multiple email addresses that happen to coincide with Mr. Murdock’s fundraising lists. I have emails from several people in Brea who have no idea who you are or how you got their email (one of them has a spouse who works for me).

          • In accordance with the law. That kind of “legally.”

            Is this the same guy who responds to information requests much milder than this with “I’m not your monkey”?

            • Well, you could legally pay for a list, but you’re usually crying about how little money you make or have available for your family. My guess is you asked Murdock for his list. There are a host of laws that govern the privacy of email addresses that I’m sure you’re aware of. Given your short answer of the word “legally” and your tendency to be prolix on any possible explanations that you’re lying and being brief is how you think you get away with it. The most likely explanation is you got the addresses from the Murdock campaign though its possible you bought a list (which I consider unlikely).

              • Given that you’ve already identified one legal means by which I could have obtained a list, why are you still jabbering on about it?

                Unless — hmmm, did Ed Royce throw any business your way in exchange for trying to damage his opponent? Maybe using Pringle as in intermediary? That might not be legal, so let’s hear your answer!

                That you’re in league with this Tea Partier would be very sad for your reputation — if you had a good one left to lose.

                • Because I don’t believe you can afford to buy the list to promote a non revenue producing largely neglected blog. No, there’s no business from Rep. Royce or Mr. Pringle. I work with technology companies, not government entities.

                  A Tea Partier wants to comment on my blog and that makes me in league with him? You’re grasping at straws.

                  As far as my reputation being good or bad, I was one of 25 invited to that private lunch with Senator Gillibrand. I was pretty flattered. Jordan and I had coffee after that which is how my post on him originated.

                  I’ll take my reputation with those in our party than yours. No one wants to have anything to do with you. And thanks for telling conservative Republican tea parties James Vanderbilt he has your full support for whatever district he wants to move to in Anaheim.

                • Did you watch the video, or did you get story on Vanderbilt secondhand from someone even more idiotic than you?

                  That’s not what I said. Watch the video yourself, then you can apologize. Or, as usual, change the subject.

                  You will exchange favors for flattery — such as being invited to meet with Sen. Gillibrand. You’re a cheap date.

                  Notably, once again you did not deny having been in contact outside of this blog with Addled Teabagger Rick Clark — who at some point suddenly started picking up themes and peculiar obsessions of yours. So — were you in touch with him? Did you send him stuff? Clue him in through a cut-out? Are you working with him against Murdock? (I mean, are you doing it intentionally. You’re clearly doing it at least recklessly.)

                • I watched the video…”which ever one you want James, I’m behind you” was your wrapped up quote. Way to keep providing support to Republicans. Go to 03:27:00. And Kring motioned to accept the map and Murray seconded…all things you suggested wouldn’t happen.

                  I was invited to Senator Gillibrand’s lunch because I’m from Upstate NY and I think I have a little more respect from the Party than you do. No favors were granted and no flattery offered.

                  As I said, Mr. Clark and I had contact about adding his blog to our blogroll. He reads my work. I’ve sent him nothing. He’s sent me nothing. I’m concerned about your obsession with conspiracy theories; perhaps its a side effect of your medication.

                  Mr. Clark has been nothing but respectful. We disagree on many things politically but we are civil to each other. Perhaps that is a concept you should explore with those you don’t agree with. All I see from you are insults, fantasies imagined in your head, and mean-spirited vindictiveness. You can dish it out Greg, but you clearly can’t take it.

                  If you are ever interested in actual civil discourse, I’d welcome it. But its impossible for you to be civil to those you disagree with.

                • Hey Jabba… your preoccupation with me is flattering but you’ve overlooked this basic fact. I am not a “tea bagger” far from it – I’ve been registered as an independent for almost 50 years.

                  That doesn’t mean I ignore opinions from both sides, I just keep them in perspective.

                  As far as getting in synch with opinions expressed by Mr. Chmielewski is concerned I’ve merely joined the ranks of countless others who’ve had your number for a long time. You are, at best, a buffoon. This has not escaped the notice of many.

    • For someone who rails against PR professionals on a regular basis, issuing a news release to demonstrate fundraising power without the facts to back it up ethical If Joe’s campaign wishes to share the list, then they can credibly claim to have that sort of support. But all that said a little more than 3% support from those who can actually vote for Joe is poor for someone who claims to be a front runner.

      • You’ll know whether Dunn was lying on January 16 when his next report comes out. His lying would be especially stupid given that he knows that the claim could easily be verified — and well ahead of the primary. So I’m reasonably confident that, unlike you, he didn’t just make shit up. Unlike Jordan, he has no track record of doing so. (And, yes, PLEASE challenge me on that assertion about Jordan.)

    • Nice change of topic there — and by “nice,” I mean “ungainly.”

      No, of course I am referring to the done campaigns assertion that he raised an additional $120,000 between October 1 and October 15 or 16th, inclusive.

      When I searched for a website for the done for congress campaign in the course of preparing that study, using the same search terms that I used for his three opponents, it did not show up in Google. If that strikes you as “making shit up,” I can live with that — after properly devaluating it by the factor used for most of your opinions and assertions of fact.

      • The Dunn campaign’s not “the done campaigns.” No, you reported Joe Dunn’s campaign didn’t even have a website but if you look at the press release you copied and pasted into your post, the URL is *right there.” Go to Google and type “Joe Dunn for Congress” — I’ll save you time. Here’s the first thing that popped up: That is what I mean by “making shit up.” Apparently, you have poor search engine skills. I’m happy to place my fact finding over yours any day of the week.

        • Sorry — as I often do, I dictated that and missed it in quickly proofing.

          As for the website: do you know when it went up? Did it occur to you that it may have been after I checked — or that it hadn’t registered in Google at that time?

          That press release was the first communication I have had from the Dunn campaign. It arrived around noon on Friday the 16th. I had written (and as I recall, originally posted) the story late on the 15th. So I did not have that URL at that time.

          I had no plausible reason not to post that website if it had shown up on a Google search — but regardless, I’m glad that your posting it here will send more people there.

          • The website has been up for weeks. It was in the news release you included in the post. We all miss stuff in posting. You usually rail on any mistake sometimes making an entire post on it. Shoe’s on the other foot

            • As I said, I received the news release the day after I wrote (and as I recall published) the story. And I do not credit your claim as to how long it has been up. Maybe it didn’t get up on Google immediately.

              Your perception of what I “usually” do is deeply bent. When I write about someone’s mistakes, it’s rarely less than something significant. I suppose I can’t blame you for not honoring a distinction that you can’t perceive. You only perceive “Good for Me” and “Bad for Me.”

  2. Diamond says – “I sometimes see envelopes from the various campaigns for which my daughter serves as Treasurer.”

    Diamond also says – “.. her business is non of my business.”

    So Diamond, your seeing candidate/legislator contribution envelopes, self admittedly, provides you with a level of information involving public officials to which you are not entitled. You are seeing who is making or not making contributions – that is privileged information.

    Your daughter should get a PO Box in order to not avail you of that privileged information. That would be the ethical and legal manner in which to handle such privileged information.

    • No, I don’t see who’s making the contributions, partly because I don’t look at return addresses and partly because the information there is not necessarily informative anyway. Nor do I know whether a given envelope contains a contribution or something else. And, as our host notes below, I consider that information to be private anyway. Our host’s initial concern, though, was that I might see his credit card number or bank account number — which would mean my opening the envelopes, which I literally never do. (I get legal filings here as well and I expect, and receive, the same courtesy from her.)

      But thanks for your concern, Mike.

      • I’m not worried about you opening envelopes; I’m worried about you looking at stuff after its opened. Future political contributions from me to candidates she works for will be money orders.

      • Diamond – “No, I don’t see who’s making the contributions, partly because I don’t look at return addresses.”

        Then what is your point about “seeing envelopes”?


        • If I get the mail and I see that it’s for a campaign I give it to her. I don’t look at the return address. I’m just not interested and I respect her business’s privacy.

          Calling someone a “liar” apparently means nothing to you. You bear false witness lightly.

          • Two businesses out of the same address with separate principals. Best business practice dictates one of both of you should get a P.O. box. But you’re not self-aware enough when it comes to business operations to know that

  3. Nah. At this point its comments are just the junior varsity version of Cunningham’s blog.

    But I think that you may be hinting at me not to bother with trifles, which is good advice.

Comments are closed.